LIFX Stockmonitor a simple IoT-app for the stocklover. Monitor the daily change (%) and use your LIFX-lamp to monitor one or several stocks on a specific lamp. The light shows red or green based on the selected stocks and their averaged daily change.
- Instructions on how to acquire token is featured under the settings page
- Token for LIFX is saved encrypted on the device
- With LIFX-support activated user can change lamp for a stock
- Automatic data fetch every 3 seconds on Wifi, every 5 seconds on mobile network. List can also be refreshed when swiping
- Data is fetched from Yahoo Finance API, data is delayed, normally 15 minutes. Exchanges list with delaytimes
- Search stock via symbol or company name
- Searchable stocks from USA, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.
- Handles when lamp is offline
- Handles when device lost network
Avaliable in Google Play
- Xam.Plugins.Settings (
- CsvHelper (
- LifxHttpNet (
- MonoDroid Samples - Searchable Directory (
- HTextView (
- Akavache (