SwipeHunt is a minimalistic application to discover product on product hunt in a tinder-like funny way. Yup / Nope to prefilter featured project.
This is my first react-native project. I try to keep it as simple as possible. Hope it can help other people to get started with react-native project.
Using :
- Bootstrapped with Expo + CRNA https://github.com/react-community/create-react-native-app
- native-base : UI base elements https://github.com/GeekyAnts/NativeBase
- react-navigation : https://github.com/react-community/react-navigation
- react-native-app-intro : Onboarding component https://github.com/FuYaoDe/react-native-app-intro
Easy Launch :
yarn start
Scan the QR code with Expo installed on your phone
Do not hesitate to open an issue for any reason.
Images credits :
- drawer-cover from https://github.com/GeekyAnts/NativeBase-KitchenSink
- Line Graph by Travis Avery from the Noun Project
- Swipe Right by Web Icon Set from the Noun Project
- Swipe Left by Web Icon Set from the Noun Project
- up arrow by Bluetip Design from the Noun Project