This is a tool to extract and analyse SNV information from VCF files produced by Mutect2 or Varscan2. This tool is under constant development. Please feel free to contact me, or raise an issue if you encounter any problems.
Install from github:
git clone
cd mutationProfiles
requires BioPerl, which can be installed using cpanm:
brew install cpanm
sudo cpanm Bio::Perl
and vcfParse, which can be installed from github:
git clone
cd vcfParse
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Move all .vcf
files into data/
and run bash -g <path to genome.fasta>
For Varscan native data run: bash -v -g <path to genome.fasta>
This will run script/
on each .vcf
file in data/
, and write data from all samples to data/combined_snvs.txt
in the following format:
[sample] [chrom] [pos] [ref] [alt] [tri context] [ref>alt] [decomposed trinuc context] [decomposed ref>alt] [type]
A512R17 2L 229832 A C CAG A>C CTG T>G somatic
A512R17 2L 1819239 T A TTC T>A TTC T>A somatic
A512R17 2L 2439881 C T GCC C>T GCC C>T somatic
A512R17 2L 3154318 C G GCC C>G GCC C>G somatic
A512R17 2L 3511198 G A CGA G>A TCG C>T somatic
A512R17 2L 4565784 C G CCT C>G CCT C>G somatic
A512R17 2L 5233457 T G TTA T>G TTA T>G somatic
A512R17 2L 6478473 G C GGT G>C ACC C>G somatic
A512R17 2L 9792284 C T GCC C>T GCC C>T somatic
Run perl script/ -i data/combined_snvs.txt
to annotate the gene and feature hit by each SNV
[sample] [chrom] [pos] [ref] [alt] [tri context] [ref>alt] [decomposed trinuc context] [decomposed ref>alt] [type] [feature] [gene]
A512R17 2L 229832 A C CAG A>C CTG T>G somatic intron kis
A512R17 2L 1819239 T A TTC T>A TTC T>A somatic intergenic intergenic
A512R17 2L 2439881 C T GCC C>T GCC C>T somatic intron dpp
A512R17 2L 3154318 C G GCC C>G GCC C>G somatic intron Mad
A512R17 2L 3511198 G A CGA G>A TCG C>T somatic exon_5 LeuRS
A512R17 2L 4565784 C G CCT C>G CCT C>G somatic intron dpy
A512R17 2L 5233457 T G TTA T>G TTA T>G somatic intron tkv
Start an R session, and install package:
The following functions are included:
chromDist : function (object = NA, notch = 0)
cleanTheme : function (base_size = 12)
featuresHit : function ()
geneHit : function (n = 10)
genomeSnvs : function ()
genTris : function ()
getData : function (infile = "data/annotated_snvs.txt")
mutSigs : function (samples = NA, pie = NA)
mutSpectrum : function ()
notchSnvs : function ()
samplesPlot : function (count = NA)
setCols : function (df, col)
snvStats : function ()
triFreq : function (genome = NA, count = NA)
This plots the output of the package deconstructSigs