Demo a file chooser dialog in Android. This project base on Android Matterial Design
- Create dialog fragment
- Implement basic function
- Define GUI base on Android Matterial Design
Eazy way to call the FileChooser Dialog like a AlertDialog. Please note that don't forget to check the runtime permission.
compile 'ninja.lbs.filechooser:filechooser:1.0.0'
String dialogTag = FileChooserDialog.class.getName();
Fragment oldDialog = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(dialogTag);
if (oldDialog == null) {
FileChooserDialog.Builder builder = new FileChooserDialog.Builder();
builder.setInitialDirectory(new File(""));
final Set<String> ACCEPT_EXTENSIONS = new HashSet<>();
FileChooserDialog fileChooserDialog =;, dialogTag);
Do whatever you want. However, I'm feel happy if this project helpful and please let me know by star it. T^T
- (Trần Đức Tâm)[] (Android Developer)
- (Đỗ Trang Vương)[] (Android Developer)