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Releases: nuxt-modules/cloudinary


08 Nov 07:16
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What's Changed

This is a new major version of the module where several new things were added. The main change here is that thanks to the refactor of Cloudinary URL Loader from using ZOD to regular TS types, we can now fully remove local types in favor of the types used from the loader. This allowed to remove a lot of lines of repetitive type code and have more type safety.


  1. Fixed Signed Upload Widget API Key passing to options
  2. Fixed autoplay, autoplayMode and playinline props for Video Player
  3. Migrated to Cloudinary URL Loader types and newest version
  4. Move preserveTransformations prop to URL Loader (Breaking Change)
  5. Added Coordinates-based Cropping to CLD Image component
  6. Add feature of Extract to CLD Image
  7. Allow Cld Video Player to support captions and subtitles
  8. Added support for raw transformations for Cld Video Player

Following issues were closed in this version (and release candidates):

New Contributors

  • @Marcos-Bernasconi made their first contribution in #244

Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v4.0.0


09 Aug 09:09
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What's Changed

This small minor version brings support for AI powered background replacing that works great. Read more about it here

Thanks once again @colbyfayock for suggesting this great feature!

Following issues were closed in this version (and release candidates):

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0


26 Jun 08:58
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What's Changed

This is the stable new version of Cloudinary module for Nuxt. From now on, we want to release smaller major versions with easier migration instead of what we did with version 1 -> 2 which was a change between nuxt 2 and nuxt 3 compatibility.

Thanks @colbyfayock for the ideas for this release :)


  1. Both CldImage.vue and CldOgImage.vue components accept now namedTransformations prop instead of transformations.
  2. Bumped video player to the newest version
  3. CldVideoPlayer aspect ratio is now calculated from width and height as following
aspectRatio: `${width}:${height}`,
  1. CldVideoPlayer now accepts chapters and chaptersButton pros that allows to handle video chapters
  2. CldVideoPlayer now accepts disableRemotePlayback that allows to instruct the the media element may have a remote playback UI.
  3. We have also removed the following props due to deprecation in the Cloudinary SDK utils:
  • CldImage -> resize and widthResize
  • CldOgImage -> resize
  1. CldUploadWidget now accepts tags prop that allows to pass upload media tags like fashion that can be used by the underlining Cloudinary widget.

Following issues were closed in this version (and release candidates):

Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v3.0.0


13 Jun 13:33
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We have fixed some small bugs and added cool new features like chapters for CLD Video Player 🚀

We needed to release another RC version due to the problems with released packages on npm not having all necessary deps. That is why there is both rc.2 and rc.3 versions.

We have also removed the following props due to deprecation in the Cloudinary SDK utils:

  1. CldImage -> resize and widthResize
  2. CldOgImage -> resize

Closes #217
Closes #213
Closes #214
Closes #218
Closes #211
Closes #216

Full Changelog: v3.0.0-rc.1...v3.0.0-rc.3


22 May 06:36
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This is a first release candidate for the version 3.0.0.

We are aiming to create smaller major versions with only the necessary breaking changes with easier migration and new features.
Below you can see the changes in this version.

Thanks @colbyfayock for the ideas for this release :)


  1. Both CldImage.vue and CldOgImage.vue components accept now namedTransformations prop instead of transformations.
  2. Property crop in resize prop of CldImage.vue can now be an object as well as a string.
  3. Bumped video player to the newest version
  4. CldVideoPlayer aspect ratio is now calculated from width and height as following
aspectRatio: `${width}:${height}`,

What has changed?

Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v3.0.0-rc.1


25 Mar 14:49
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What's Changed

  • Composable useCldVideoUrl for creating video urls
  • Allow CldVideoPlayer to accept config prop
  • Pass Cloudinary client configuration globally from the module configuration with properties like url and cloud
  • CldVideoPlayer picture in picture mode
  • Bump package versions

Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.7.0

Kudos to @colbyfayock who raised these issues and helped with the implementation!


22 Feb 10:16
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v.2.5.0...v2.6.0


21 Dec 14:08
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We have updated the Cloudinary Util Dependency to allow for additional options such as Generative AI remove, replace, recolor, or restore.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v.2.5.0


16 Nov 12:20
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With this version, we have migrated to the new approach for handling fetchPriority and loading from unpic where both these attributes are handled by one priority attribute.

When attribute is set to true, the fetchPriority will be set to high and loading will be set to eager. For everything else, a loading=lazy will be used to automatically improve the performance.

What's Changed

Closes #149
Closes #155
Closes #156
Closes #157

Full Changelog: v2.3.4...v2.4.0


06 Sep 08:50
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.3.2...v2.3.4