NxtPipeline is an orchestration framework for your service objects or function objects, how I like to call them. Service objects are a very wide spread way of organizing code in the Ruby and Rails communities. Since it's little classes doing one thing you can think of them as function objects and thus they often share a common interface in a project. There are also many frameworks out there that normalize the usage of service objects and provide a specific way of writing service objects and often also allow to orchestrate (reduce) these service objects. Compare light-service for instance.
The idea of NxtPipeline was to build a flexible orchestration framework for service objects without them having to conform to a specific interface. Instead NxtPipeline expects you to specify how to execute different kinds of service objects through so called constructors and thereby does not dictate you how to write your service objects. Nevertheless this still mostly makes sense if your service objects share common interfaces to keep the necessary configuration to a minimum.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'nxt_pipeline'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install nxt_pipeline
Let's look at an example. Here validator service objects are orchestrated with NxtPipeline to build a validation
pipeline. We inject the accumulator { value: 'aki', errors: [] }
that is then passed through all validation steps.
If an validator returns an error it's added to the array of errors of the accumulator to collect all errors of all steps.
class Validator
attr_accessor :error
class TypeChecker < Validator
def initialize(value, type:)
@value = value
@type = type
attr_reader :value, :type
def call
return if value.is_a?(type)
self.error = "Value does not match type #{type}"
class MinSize < Validator
def initialize(value, size:)
@value = value
@size = size
attr_reader :value, :size
def call
return if value.size >= size
self.error = "Value size must be greater than #{size-1}"
class MaxSize < Validator
def initialize(value, size:)
@value = value
@size = size
attr_reader :value, :size
def call
return if value.size <= size
self.error = "Value size must be less than #{size+1}"
class Uniqueness < Validator
def initialize(value, scope:)
@value = value
@scope = scope
attr_reader :value, :scope
def call
return if scope.count { |item| item == value }
self.error = "Value is not unique in: #{scope}"
result = NxtPipeline.call({ value: 'aki', errors: [] }) do |p|
p.constructor(:validator, default: true) do |acc, step|
validator = step.argument.new(acc.fetch(:value), **step.options)
acc[:errors] << validator.error if validator.error.present?
p.step TypeChecker, options: { type: String }
p.step MinSize, options: { size: 4 }
p.step MaxSize, options: { size: 10 }
p.step Uniqueness, options: { scope: ['andy', 'aki', 'lĂĽtfi', 'rapha'] }
result # => { value: 'aki', errors: ['Value size must be greater than 3'] }
In order to reduce over your service objects you have to define constructors so that the pipeline knows how to execute a specific step. You can define constructors globally and specific to a pipeline.
Make a constructor available for all pipelines of your project by defining it globally with:
NxtPipeline.constructor(:service) do |acc, step|
validator = step.argument.new(acc.fetch(:value), **step.options)
acc[:errors] << validator.error if validator.error.present?
Or define a constructor only locally for a specific pipeline.
NxtPipeline.new({ value: 'aki', errors: [] }) do |p|
p.constructor(:validator, default: true) do |acc, step|
validator = step.argument.new(acc.fetch(:value), **step.options)
acc[:errors] << validator.error if validator.error.present?
p.step TypeChecker, options: { type: String }
# ...
Constructor Hierarchy
In order to execute a specific step the pipeline firstly checks whether a constructor was specified for a step:
pipeline.step MyServiceClass, constructor: :service
. If this is not the case it checks whether there is a resolver
registered that applies. If that's not the case the pipeline checks if there is a constructor registered for the
argument that was passed in. This means if you register constructors directly for the arguments you pass in you don't
have to specify this constructor option. Therefore the following would work without the need to provide a constructor
for the steps.
NxtPipeline.new({}) do |p|
p.constructor(:service) do |acc, step|
p.step :service, service_class: MyServiceClass
p.step :service, service_class: MyOtherServiceClass
# ...
Lastly if no constructor could be resolved directly from the step argument, the pipelines falls back to the locally and then to the globally defined default constructors.
Once your pipeline knows how to execute your steps you can add those. The pipeline.step
method expects at least one
argument which you can access in the constructor through step.argument
. You can also pass in additional options
that you can access through readers of a step. The constructor:
option defines which constructor to use for a step
where as you can name a step with the to_s:
# explicitly define which constructor to use
pipeline.step MyServiceClass, constructor: :service
# use a block as inline constructor
pipeline.step SpecialService, constructor: ->(step, arg:) { step.argument.call(arg: arg) }
# Rely on the default constructor
pipeline.step MyOtherServiceClass
# Define a step name
pipeline.step MyOtherServiceClass, to_s: 'First Step'
# Or simply execute a (named) block - NO NEED TO DEFINE A CONSTRUCTOR HERE
pipeline.step :step_name_for_better_log do |acc, step|
# ...
Defining multiple steps at once. This is especially useful to dynamically configure a pipeline for execution and can potentially even come from a yaml configuration or from the database.
[MyServiceClass, constructor: :service],
[MyOtherServiceClass, constructor: :service],
[MyJobClass, constructor: :job]
# You can also overwrite the steps of a pipeline through explicitly setting them. This will remove any previously
# defined steps.
pipeline.steps = [
[MyServiceClass, constructor: :service],
[MyOtherServiceClass, constructor: :service]
Once a pipeline contains steps you can call it with call(accumulator)
whereas it expects you to inject the accumulator
as argument that is then passed through all steps.
pipeline.call(arg: 'initial argument')
# Or directly pass the steps you want to execute:
pipeline.call(arg: 'initial argument') do |p|
p.step MyServiceClass, to_s: 'First step'
p.step MyOtherServiceClass, to_s: 'Second step'
p.step MyJobClass, constructor: :job
p.step MyOtherJobClass, constructor: :job
You can also create a new instance of a pipeline and directly run it with call
NxtPipeline.call(arg: 'initial argument') do |p|
p.steps # ...
You can query the steps of your pipeline simply by calling pipeline.steps
. A NxtPipeline::Step will provide you with
an interface for options, status, execution_finished_at execution_started_at,
execution_duration, result, error and the index in the pipeline.
# will give you a step object
You can also define guard clauses that take a proc to prevent the execution of a step. A guard can accept the change set and the step as arguments.
pipeline.call('initial argument') do |p|
p.step MyServiceClass, if: -> (acc, step) { acc == 'initial argument' }
p.step MyOtherServiceClass, unless: -> { false }
Apart from defining constructors and steps you can also define error callbacks. Error callbacks can accept up to
three arguments: error, acc, step
NxtPipeline.new do |p|
p.step # ...
p.on_error MyCustomError do |error|
# First matching error callback will be executed!
p.on_errors ArgumentError, KeyError do |error, acc|
# First matching error callback will be executed!
p.on_errors YetAnotherError, halt_on_error: false do |error, acc, step|
# After executing the callback the pipeline will not halt but continue to
# execute the next steps.
p.on_errors do |error, acc, step|
# This will match all errors inheriting from StandardError
You can also define callbacks :before, :around and :after each step and or the #execute
method. You can also register
multiple callbacks, but probably you want to keep them to a minimum to not end up in hell. Also note that before and
after callbacks will run even if a step was skipped through a guard clause.
NxtPipeline.new do |p|
p.before_step do |_, change_set|
change_set[:acc] << 'before step 1'
p.around_step do |_, change_set, execution|
change_set[:acc] << 'around step 1'
execution.call # you have to specify where in your callback you want to call the inner block
change_set[:acc] << 'around step 1'
p.after_step do |_, change_set|
change_set[:acc] << 'after step 1'
NxtPipeline.new do |p|
p.before_execution do |_, change_set|
change_set[:acc] << 'before execution 1'
p.around_execution do |_, change_set, execution|
change_set[:acc] << 'around execution 1'
execution.call # you have to specify where in your callback you want to call the inner block
change_set[:acc] << 'around execution 1'
p.after_execution do |_, change_set|
change_set[:acc] << 'after execution 1'
Note that the after_execute
callback will not be called in case a step raises an error.
See the previous section (Error callbacks) for how to define callbacks that run in case of errors.
You can also define constructor resolvers for a pipeline to dynamically define which previously registered constructor to use for a step based on the argument and options passed to the step.
class Transform
def initialize(word, operation)
@word = word
@operation = operation
attr_reader :word, :operation
def call
NxtPipeline.new do |pipeline|
# dynamically resolve to use a proc as constructor
pipeline.constructor_resolver do |argument, **opts|
argument.is_a?(Class) &&
->(step, arg:) {
result = step.argument.new(arg, opts.fetch(:operation)).call
# OR result = step.argument.new(arg, step.operation).call
{ arg: result }
# dynamically resolve to a defined constructor
pipeline.constructor_resolver do |argument|
argument.is_a?(String) && :dynamic
pipeline.constructor(:dynamic) do |step, arg:|
if step.argument == 'multiply'
{ arg: arg * step.multiplier }
elsif step.argument == 'symbolize'
{ arg: arg.to_sym }
raise ArgumentError, "Don't know how to deal with argument: #{step.argument}"
pipeline.step Transform, operation: 'upcase'
pipeline.step 'multiply', multiplier: 2
pipeline.step 'symbolize'
pipeline.step :extract_value do |arg|
You probably do not have that many different kinds of steps that you execute within your pipelines. Otherwise the whole concept does not make much sense. To make constructing a pipeline simpler you can therefore define configurations on a global level simply by providing a name for a configuration along with a configuration block. Then you then create a preconfigure pipeline by passing in the name of the configuration when creating a new pipeline.
# Define configurations in your initializer or somewhere upfront
NxtPipeline.configuration(:test_processor) do |pipeline|
pipeline.constructor(:processor) do |arg, step|
{ arg: step.argument.call(arg: arg) }
NxtPipeline.configure(:validator) do |pipeline|
pipeline.constructor(:validator) do |arg, step|
# ..
# ...
# Later create a pipeline with a previously defined configuration
NxtPipeline.new(configuration: :test_processor) do |p|
p.step ->(arg) { arg + 'first ' }, constructor: :processor
p.step ->(arg) { arg + 'second ' }, constructor: :processor
p.step ->(arg) { arg + 'third' }, constructor: :processor
When executing your steps you can also log the status of a step by setting it in your constructors or callbacks in which you have access to the steps.
pipeline = NxtPipeline.new do |pipeline|
pipeline.constructor(:step, default: true) do |acc, step|
result = step.proc.call(acc)
step.status = result.present? # Set the status here
step.meta_data = 'additional info' # or some meta data
pipeline.step :first_step do |acc, step|
step.status = 'it worked'
step.meta_data = { extra: 'info' }
pipeline.step :second, proc: ->(acc) { acc }
pipeline.logger.log # => { "first_step" => 'it worked', "second" => true }
pipeline.steps.map(&:meta_data) # => [{:extra=>"info"}, "additional info"]
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run bin/rspec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to rubygems.org.
You can also run bin/guard
to automatically run specs when files are saved.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/nxt-insurance/nxt_pipeline.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.