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Vortex Step Method

The Vortex Step Method (VSM) is an enhanced lifting line method that improves upon the classic approach by solving the circulation system at the three-quarter chord position, among the most important details. This adjustment allows for more accurate calculations of lift and drag forces, particularly addressing the shortcomings in induced drag prediction. VSM is further refined by coupling it with 2D viscous airfoil polars, making it well-suited for complex geometries, including low aspect ratio wings, as well as configurations with sweep, dihedral, and anhedral angles.

The software presented here includes a couple of examples: a rectangular wing and a leading-edge inflatable kite.

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the repository folder:

    cd Vortex-Step-Method
  3. Create a virtual environment:

    Linux or Mac:

    python3 -m venv venv


    python -m venv venv
  4. Activate the virtual environment:

    Linux or Mac:

    source venv/bin/activate


  5. Install the required dependencies:

    For users:

    pip install .

    For developers:

    pip install -e .[dev]

    For ubuntu add:

    pip instal pyqt5
    sudo apt install cm-super
    sudo apt install dvipng
  6. To deactivate the virtual environment:



  • numpy
  • matplotlib>=3.7.1
  • seaborn
  • scipy
  • numba
  • ipykernel
  • screeninfo


Please look at the tutorial on a rectangular wing, where the code usage and settings are fully detailed. You can find it in examples/rectangular_wing/

Another tutorial is present under examples/TUDELFT_V3_LEI_KITE/ where a geometry is loaded from .csv, plotted, distributions are plotted and polars are created to demonstrate the effect of the stall model.

For more detailed information one is referred to:

A Julia version of this project is available at VortexStepMethod.jl

Contributing Guide

Please report issues and create pull requests using the URL:

This is required because you cannot/should not do it using the URL

We welcome contributions to this project! Whether you're reporting a bug, suggesting a feature, or writing code, here’s how you can contribute:

  1. Create an issue on GitHub
  2. Create a branch from this issue
    git checkout -b issue_number-new-feature
  3. --- Implement your new feature---
  4. Verify nothing broke using pytest
  1. Commit your changes with a descriptive message
  git commit -m "#<number> <message>"
  1. Push your changes to the github repo: git push origin branch-name

  2. Create a pull-request, with base:develop, to merge this feature branch

  3. Once the pull request has been accepted, close the issue


If you use this project in your research, please consider citing it. Citation details can be found in the CITATION.cff file included in this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Technische Universiteit Delft hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the package written by the Author(s). Prof.dr. H.G.C. (Henri) Werij, Dean of Aerospace Engineering


Copyright (c) 2022 Oriol Cayon

Copyright (c) 2024 Oriol Cayon, Jelle Poland, TU Delft