Warning: This is a work-in-progress. Things might break without warning.
The esdiff
tool iterates over two indices in Elasticsearch 5.x, 6.x or 7.x
and performs a diff between the documents in those indices.
It does so by scrolling over the indices. To allow for a stable sort
order, it uses _id
by default (_uid
in ES 5.x).
You need Go 1.11 or later to compile. Install with:
go install github.com/olivere/esdiff@latest
First, we need to setup two Elasticsearch clusters for testing, then seed a few documents.
$ mkdir -p data
# Create an Elasticsearch 5.x cluster on http://localhost:19200
# Create an Elasticsearch 6.x cluster on http://localhost:29200
# Create an Elasticsearch 7.x cluster on http://localhost:39200
# Increase your docker memory limit (6.0GiB) in Docker App > Preferences > Advanced.
$ docker-compose up -d
Creating esdiff_elasticsearch5_1 ... done
Creating esdiff_elasticsearch6_1 ... done
Creating esdiff_elasticsearch7_1 ... done
# Check docker containers
$ docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
esdiff_elasticsearch5_1 /bin/bash bin/es-docker Up>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
esdiff_elasticsearch6_1 /usr/local/bin/docker-entr ... Up>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
esdiff_elasticsearch7_1 /usr/local/bin/docker-entr ... Up>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
# Check docker container logs
$ docker-compose logs -f elasticsearch5
Attaching to esdiff_elasticsearch5_1
elasticsearch5_1 | [2019-07-02T14:17:33,351][WARN ][o.e.b.JNANatives ] Unable to lock JVM Memory: error=12, reason=Cannot allocate memory
elasticsearch5_1 | [2019-07-02T14:17:33,355][WARN ][o.e.b.JNANatives ] This can result in part of the JVM being swapped out.
elasticsearch5_1 | [2019-07-02T14:17:33,355][WARN ][o.e.b.JNANatives ] Increase RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, soft limit: 83968000, hard limit: 83968000
elasticsearch5_1 | [2019-07-02T14:17:33,356][WARN ][o.e.b.JNANatives ] These can be adjusted by modifying /etc/security/limits.conf, for example:
elasticsearch5_1 | # allow user 'elasticsearch' mlockall
# Add some documents
$ ./seed/01.sh
# Compile
$ go build
Let's make a simple diff:
Same cluster and same documents should return only unchanged documents:
$ ./esdiff -u=true 'http://localhost:19200/index01/tweet' 'http://localhost:19200/index01/tweet'
Unchanged 1
Unchanged 2
Unchanged 3
The following example will return a diff between indices in ES 5.x and ES 6.x:
$ ./esdiff -u=true 'http://localhost:19200/index01/tweet' 'http://localhost:29200/index01/_doc'
Unchanged 1
Deleted 2
Updated 3 {*diff.Document}.Source["message"]:
-: "Playing the piano is fun as well"
+: "Playing the guitar is fun as well"
Created 4 {*diff.Document}:
-: (*diff.Document)(nil)
+: &diff.Document{ID: "4", Source: map[string]interface {}{"message": "Climbed that mountain", "user": "sandrae"}}
ES 5.x and ES 7.x—different documents—again:
$ ./esdiff -u=true 'http://localhost:19200/index01/tweet' 'http://localhost:39200/index01/_doc'
Unchanged 1
Deleted 2
Updated 3 {*diff.Document}.Source["message"]:
-: "Playing the piano is fun as well"
+: "Playing the flute, oh boy"
Created 5 {*diff.Document}:
-: (*diff.Document)(nil)
+: &diff.Document{ID: "5", Source: map[string]interface {}{"message": "Ran that marathon", "user": "sandrae"}}
Notice that you can pass additional options to filter for
the kind of modes that you're interested in. E.g. if you also
want to see all unchanged documents but not those that were
deleted, use -u=true -d=false
$ ./esdiff -u=true -d=false 'http://localhost:19200/index01/tweet' 'http://localhost:29200/index01/_doc'
Unchanged 1
Updated 3 {*diff.Document}.Source["message"]:
-: "Playing the piano is fun as well"
+: "Playing the guitar is fun as well"
Created 4 {*diff.Document}:
-: (*diff.Document)(nil)
+: &diff.Document{ID: "4", Source: map[string]interface {}{"message": "Climbed that mountain", "user": "sandrae"}}
Use JSON as output format instead. Together with
this is quite powerful
(among other jq-related tools).
$ ./esdiff -o=json 'http://localhost:29200/index01/_doc' 'http://localhost:39200/index01/_doc' | jq 'select(.mode | contains("deleted"))'
"mode": "deleted",
"_id": "4",
"src": {
"_id": "4",
"_source": {
"message": "Climbed that mountain",
"user": "sandrae"
"dst": null
You can also pass a query to filter the source and/or the destination,
using the -sf
and -df
args respectively:
$ $ ./esdiff -o=json -sf='{"term":{"user":"olivere"}}' 'http://localhost:29200/index01/_doc' 'http://localhost:19200/index01/_doc'
{"mode":"deleted","_id":"1","src":{"_id":"1","_source":{"message":"Welcome to Golang","user":"olivere"}},"dst":null}
Use -h
to display all options:
$ ./esdiff -h
General usage:
esdiff [flags] <source-url> <destination-url>
General flags:
-a Print added docs (default true)
-c Print changed docs (default true)
-d Print deleted docs (default true)
-df string
Raw query for filtering the destination, e.g. {"term":{"name.keyword":"Oliver"}}
-dsort string
Field to sort the destination, e.g. "id" or "-id" (prepend with - for descending)
-exclude string
Raw source filter for excluding certain fields from the source, e.g. "hash_value,sub.*"
-include string
Raw source filter for including certain fields from the source, e.g. "obj.*"
-o string
Output format, e.g. json
-sf string
Raw query for filtering the source, e.g. {"term":{"user":"olivere"}}
-size int
Batch size (default 100)
-ssort string
Field to sort the source, e.g. "id" or "-id" (prepend with - for descending)
-u Print unchanged docs
-replace-with string
Replace the id in the document with the unique field you need from the source,e.g. "unique_key"