OpenDCS is a tool for doing the following:
- retrieving data from the NOAA GOES Satellite system and processing it to a more usual form
- retrieving data from arbitrary systems
- near real-time timeseries data processing.
OpenDCS is currently used by:
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
- U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
And others.
If you're agency/company/etc uses OpenDCS and wishes that to be known, please submit either an issue indicating you would like the name added, or a pull request that updates the list above. Company/Agency Logos are welcome in place of plain text.
Documentation on how to use OpenDCS is available at
We have a mailing list at
Additionally you can open a discussion at
First of, if you feel a desire to contribute - which to us includes trying to use the software and reporting issues - thanks!
Checkout the file, and don't be too scared by all the legalese; the project started at several government agencies who have chosen to properly open source the project and we felt a little solid copy-pasting from other government contributing documents was a good idea.
The short version is, add you're name to the file, and submit changes to the default branch, currently named master.
As for what to contribute: shows our current major projects, as well as a project each for tracking bugs and features; Wiki ( pages prefixed with "Project -" will have more information about some projects. If you want to contribute and aren't sure where to start that should be a good place to see our plans and priorities; please do not hesitate to ask questions on the mailing list, discussions, or within an issue itself.
We are currently in the process of some major overhauls to various subsystems and while that can be scary we would like to encourage you to join us anyways.
- OpenDCS is compiled using the gradle wrapper 'gradlew'
- OpenDCS 7.x targets Java 8. A JDK 8 is recommended for build though 11 and 17 will work
- Our runtime target is Java 8, however we will support 11 and 17 at runtime
in the following examples replace ./gradlew
with gradlew
if you are using windows.
To build the file opendcs.jar run the following command:
./gradlew :opendcs:jar
output is here:
If you want to build a distribution run:
./gradlew distZip
./gradlew distTar
output is here:
To get a simple baseline environment going:
./gradlew runApp --info
This will start the "launcher_start" application and do an initial setup of an XML database suitable for DECODES operations going that you can use for manual and exploratory testing.
To verify everything can work on your system run the following:
# General tests
./gradlew test
# NOTE: this will flash a few interfaces onto your display, let the task finish or the tests get stuck.
# However, you can just run through the GUIs to finish the tests. Though be aware if you don't follow the
# programmed script the task may return failure.
a report of tests is stored here: opendcs/java/opendcs/build/reports/tests/test
# Test the GUI (NOTE: leave your hands off the keyboard and mouse or the runner gets confused.)
./gradlew test
# Tests of a "live" system.
./gradlew testing:opendcs-tests:test -Popendcs.test.engine=OpenDCS-XML
# and if you have docker
./gradlew testing:opendcs-tests:test -Popendcs.test.engine=OpenDCS-Postgres
#To test the LRGS
gradlew testing:lrgs:test
This will run all of the various tests and let you know you have everything setup such that you can start development.
For all test tasks you can add -DdebugPort=<a port number>
and the JVMs started will wait for a debug connection.
Beware that gui-test and integration-test depend on test running, so you will have to attach the remote debugger twice.
This is a current limitation of the ant build.
To run a specific test only use:
./gradlew <test target> --tests # See [gradle documentation ]( for more detail
gradlew test --tests AlarmMailerTest
It is possible a file glob will work in the tests parameter above but we have not tested this.
See for guidance on some of the newer components.
While the OpenDCS maintainers don't have time to maintain files for other IDEs, we want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to help and will welcome baseline configuration for others. If you wish to help in this way please created additional targets and required files to generate them.
To create the appropriate project files for VS Code or Eclipse you can run the following task:
./gradlew opendcs:eclipse
Or you can use the VS Code gradle integration.
This will create the appropriate .project and .classpath files for intellisense to behave correctly.
Intellij detects the gradle project and has a Gradle tool window.
Some gradle tasks require a python environment. Here is an example that launches inteliJ from a conda environment to have python enabled. (base) C:>conda activate karl (karl) C:\project\opendcs>C:\Programs\\bin\idea64.exe