This is a release candidate for Sage 2.2.1, which fixes linear angles from Sage 2.2.0.
Additional files
- *.sqlite.tar.gz: These are the sqlite databases of optimized QM geometries for 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0, 2.2.1-rc1, 2.2.1-a27-half-k, and 2.2.1-a27-quarter-k. The databases are
from yammbs. They were originally stored in thesage-2.2.1/05_benchmark_forcefield/
directory. - openff_unconstrained-2.2.1-a27-half-k.tar.gz: this is the output benchmarks of the a27-half-k force field, which were not included in the repo for reasons of size. When unzipped, this should go in the
directory with the other benchmarks.