ValueBlue Code Challenge Project to wrap the Open Movie Database API, Save response to MongoDb and create RESTful Api for search.
Estimated time to complete assessment: 5hrs
Research time: 1hr
Project implementation: 3hrs
An additional 30 mins to implement: movie poster(image) search for users was implemented as an additional feature. with an additional 30 mins development time
An additional 30 mins to implement: searched movies report by title for admin was implemented as an additional feature. with an additional 30 mins development time ============================================================================
A. Project setup and configuration B. Git repo created C. Initial commit E. Api key implemented D. Swagger doc configured F. Image(Poster) fetch and saved to db implemeted - added feature G. Search Endpoint implementation completed H. Admin Endpoints implementation completed I. Additional enpoint to get movie poster image (base64 encoded string) implemented - added feature J. Api testing done! K. Git push done! L. Git pull request M. Merge to master from dev branch done
The following endpoints were implemented:
- api/Search/GetByTitle/{title}: Retrieve OMDB info by title search
- api/Search/GetMoviePoster/{title}: Get movie poster (image) by title - addition
- api/Admin/GetAll: Get all movies searched by users
- api/Admin/GetByTitle/{title}: Get searched movie by title
- api/Admin/GetByDateRange/{startDate}/{endDate}: Get searched movies by date range
- api/Admin/Report/GetByDate/{date}: Get searched movies report by date using string format "dd-MM-yyyy"
- api/Admin/Report/GetMostRequestByTitle/{title}: Get searched movies report by title - additiom
- api/Admin/DeleteMovie/{title}: Delete searched movie by title ============================================================================
NOTE: The following configuration files and settings are essential to run the service. Configuration file: appsettings.json
Api-Key: key = "ApiKey", Value = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9" And should be passed in the header AppConfigs.ApiKeyConfig.Secret : holds Api-key value.
AppConfigs.mongo : holds values for mongodb connections .Ip = mongoDb installation ip address .Port = port .Db = database .Collections = document name .User = username, .Secret = password
AppConfigs.CommonEndpoint hold settings/values for external services .BaseUrl = Open Movie Database send request uri .ImageUrl = Open Movie Database Poster request uri .Apikey = Api key for OMDB
Log files can be found in \Logs in the root directory of the application. Directory may be change by editing the nlog.config file