Add your Pokemon entries here for them to be visible on!
Fork the repository by clicking on the fork button up top.
Clone the forked repository on your account: Click on code and then copy the link that shows up. Then go to your terminal and enter the git clone command, it should look something like this:
git clone
Go to the repository directory and then to cdn directory:
cd pokedc/cdn/
Create a file, with the name
, eg. 22105251.txt-
A number for your Pokemon (between 1 and 600);
Text you want to display;
(Add a semicolon after each line)
Arnav; 23104173; 151; Hello world!;
Stage your added file:
git add your_enrol_no.txt
Config your user for this repo:
git config '[email protected]' git config 'your-name'
Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Add new Pokemon entry"
Now create your ssh token by generating using this command:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
Go To Your SSH Path (cd..ssh) must be in users->ssh folder Now fetch the key in terminal by using the command:
Now Open github -> settings -> ssh & gpg ->add-key -> paste the key
Push Changes to github:
Fork and clone commit changes if you haven't
Add the remote path to your cloned repo:
git remote add origin [email protected]:name/pokedc.git
Update the changes using:
git fetch origin
If a Windows GitHub login pop-up appears : proceed with the sign-in Else (if it asks for a username, password) : enter your GitHub username,password
Now push the changes:
git push origin main
Open a pull request: Check if everything has gone right so far and open a pull request!