1367 commits
to develop
since this release
Change log since v3.2.2:
- 8ea42b8 ci: rename workflow to same style
- fb85dd4 ci: migrate workflows from adopt to temurin
- ca099fe Move keystore properties to keystore.properties
- 8fe8c71 fix NullPointerException
- 288573b Init the colors config before load candidate background
- cd19c26 Fix a ClassCastException caused by the clipboard command
- 3d9a6a3 doc: update inappropriate translation
- 95e117a 优化候选栏。 当普通键盘的高亮候选词、液态键盘的高亮tab在屏幕外时,自动调整候选栏的滚动位置。
- 712e521 优化liquidKeyboard。 打开关闭的方式由开关改为command。支持使用名称和序号两种方式打开指定的liquidKeyboard Tab。修改同文风主题主键盘的颜文字按键为剪贴板管理器。
- 82a1abd 为 #524 增加开关
- 2893c46 优化键盘按键滑动事件的触发
- 58e7b83 refactor: try to meet spotless styling
- 61f278a refactor(core/Trime; keyboard/KeyboardView): remove unusable swipe action
- f147df8 perf(core/Trime): not pre-declare View to avoid static field leak
- 0fd7dd6 fix: cannot display liquid keyboard view
- 8974ebe refactor(res/layout; core/Trime): reorganize layout resources
- ff985af refactor(keyboard/KeyboardView): introduce LeakGuardHandlerWrapper
- 2951a08 perf(core/Trime): refactor handler class
- 9eb138e refactor(setup/Config): reduce context parameter usages
- 2c9bc2f feat: enhance haptic feedback
- f058710 fix: key properties should fallback to keyboard's
- 86ad95e fix: cannot seek progress of repeat interval setting
- f53ffcd perf(core): reorganize and improve Trime service
- a887ed1 refactor(core): fix typos
- eea722f fix(res): make Options Menu follow the UI mode (#521)
- ecbb36e refactor(symbol): fix typos
- 611cbb3 refactor(clipboard): fix typos
- 65e4038 refactor/perf(keyboard): improve KeyboardSwitch(er)
- 3c2da03 refactor(keyboard): move and rename TrimeKeyEffects
- 8f95b32 refactor(keyboard): remove unused KeyboardManager
- e7a878a chore: clean obsolete artwork
- 8dc7ba5 chore: upgrade spotless plugin to 5.15.0
- af19201 chore: upgrade google java format to 1.11.0
- 14e9b2e doc: add contribution guide in pull request template
- 849fab4 doc: add contribution guide in readme
- b8f4551 feat: add contribution guide
- 69dbd54 feat: add code of conduct file
- f9269eb fix: fix fdroid build by remove unverified repo
- b72d273 chore: remove obsolete readme file
- 822d36b chore: polish english readme
- bab1f3b chore: change readme referrer
- 325873f doc: set main readme to en
- 42d743b chore: polish en readme
- c82ca11 fix: fix image align by change icon
- ffed387 chore: fix typos in README_en.md
- 1d83f74 chore: fix typos in READMEs
- e66d97a chore: adjust READMEs' copywriting
- 36aafc3 chore: update README.md
- 61021a1 refactor: lower case package name and split
- a971088 fix: fix merge conflict and style
- fc3c75f utils: try to meet styling specification
- 512cdc8 utils:
: new, adapted fromConfig
- 8403089 utils:
: reorganize - 33a893d utils:
: mark new line; removeFunction
- 25c7b26 utils:
: convert to Kotlin - 559e43f utils:
: new, to replaceFunction
- a4c31cb utils:
: rename to fix typo - 4f2f1cf utils:
: new, move from PrefMainActivity's companion object - 3362172 fix backfround
- 3c78028 fix height
- aeabc54 bug-fix & new feature 1. 使用ASCII键盘输入英文字符时,直接上屏,跳过复杂的调用,从表面上解决issue #301 知乎输入英语后输入法失去焦点的问题 (从100%复现变为概率性发生) 2. 优化预设皮肤的参数。 3. 在同文风皮肤的默认键盘中增加”更多“按钮,点击打开liquidKeyboard 4. #512 优化背景解析和加载的方法。支持把背景图放置到“background/background_folder”目录。 5. 调整皮肤参数位置。背景图/色从style统一移动到fallback_colors,并且由preset_color_schemes来定义。(为了后续的皮肤优化,代码逻辑简化,不对旧皮肤的相关参数做兼容)包含:root_background candidate_background 废弃layout/background, 改为text_back_color值既可以是色彩、也可以是背景图(window_background) 6. 修复 #515 的bug并调整皮肤中keyboard_padding开头的多个参数名和相关算法,增加左右手键盘switch。在默认皮肤-符号键盘提供了左右手模式的示例(长按,?两个按键)
- 6ec4955 chore: bump version to 3.2.3
- 9937980 chore: upgrade gradle to 7.2
- 74b6afb chore: remove obsolete script