This project is a starting point to create web interfaces for OSTIS in React. Here you can find a working demo and some examples. The project is using TypeScript. Components are added to the DOM as strings.
- Install yarn (example for Ubuntu:
sudo apt install yarn
) - Install dependencies and run a dev server:
yarn && yarn run start
- Run
(our API server):
cd <path-to-sc-machine>/scripts
- Open URL http://localhost:3003 in web browser
Let's see an example of ui components creation and how they operate with sc-memory. We will create a button for node creation and button for its visualization in SCg.
Firs of all we need to open needed file. In our case SCsInputContainer.ts
. We can find these lines:
buttonsGroup.innerHTML = `
<button class="ui green left bottom attached button" scs-search>Search</button>
<button class="ui bottom attached button" scs-create>Create</button>
<button class="ui disabled red right bottom attached button" scs-generate>Generate</button>
This code block shows addition of HTML-elements to the DOM tree.
Then we need to create event:
private get scsCreateButton() : HTMLElement {
return this.scsButtonsContainer.querySelector('button[scs-create]');
This getter will give us button component. Inside InitHtml
we can find onclick event binding:
this.scsCreateButton.onclick = () => {
In onclick event we are bind already we will create node with system identifier and main identifier (identifier received in SCs-editor).
The purpose of DoCreate
is to handle input text, call query to sc-memory and wait for the answer.
public async DoCreate(scsContent: string) {
if (this._onNewCreateRequestCallback) { // проверяем наличие метода с запросом
const result: boolean = await this._onNewCreateRequestCallback(scsContent); // call the method and pass input text to it
return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
Let's move to the KBView
class inside KnowBaseView.ts
private async OnRequestCreate(scsText: string): Promise<boolean> {
const createResult: ScAddr = await App.Templates().DoCreate(scsText);
return new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
Then ServerTemplates
class inside ServerTemplates.ts
public async DoCreate(scsTempl: string): Promise<ScAddr> {
const addr: ScAddr = await this.CreateNodeWithMainIdentifier(scsTempl);
this._addr = addr;
return new Promise<ScAddr>((resolve) => {
Method of node generation with specified system and main identifier:
public async CreateNodeWithMainIdentifier(identifier: string): Promise<ScAddr> {
let construction = new ScConstruction();
construction.CreateNode(ScType.Node, 'node')
construction.CreateLink(ScType.Link, new ScLinkContent(identifier, ScLinkContentType.String), 'link')
construction.CreateEdge(ScType.EdgeDCommonConst, 'node', 'link', 'edge')
construction.CreateEdge(ScType.EdgeAccessConstPosPerm, this.keynodes.kNrelMainIdtf, 'edge');
construction.CreateEdge(ScType.EdgeAccessConstPosPerm, this.keynodes.kNrelSysIdtf, 'edge');
let addr = await this.client.CreateElements(construction);
return addr[0];
Method of main identifier search by given ScAddr:
public async GetMainIdentifier(addr: ScAddr): Promise<ScTemplateSearchResult> {
let scTemplate = new ScTemplate();
let linkAlias = "link";
scTemplate.TripleWithRelation(addr, ScType.Unknown, [ScType.Link, linkAlias], ScType.Unknown, this.keynodes.kNrelMainIdtf);
let result = await this.client.TemplateSearch(scTemplate);
return result;