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Fast and efficient generation of cryptographically strong probably unique identifiers (puid, aka random string) of specified entropy from various character sets.


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Simple, fast, flexible and efficient generation of probably unique identifiers (puid, aka random strings) of intuitively specified entropy using pre-defined or custom characters.

iex> defmodule(RandId, do: use(Puid, chars: :alpha, total: 1.0e5, risk: 1.0e12))
iex> RandId.generate()

Hex Version   License: MIT



Puid provides a means to create modules for generating random IDs. Specifically, Puid allows full control over all three key characteristics of generating random strings: entropy source, ID characters and ID randomness.

A general overview provides information relevant to the use of Puid for random IDs.



Puid is used to create individual modules for random ID generation. Creating a random ID generator module is a simple as:

iex> defmodule(SessionId, do: use(Puid))
iex> SessionId.generate()

The code above use default parameters, so Puid creates a module suitable for generating session IDs (ID entropy for the default module is 132 bits). Options allow easy and complete control of all three of the important facets of ID generation.

Entropy Source

Puid uses :crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1 as the default entropy source. The rand_bytes option can be used to specify any function of the form (non_neg_integer) -> binary as the source:

iex > defmodule(PrngId, do: use(Puid, rand_bytes: &:rand.bytes/1))
iex> PrngId.generate()


By default, Puid use the RFC 4648 file system & URL safe characters. The chars option can by used to specify any of 16 pre-defined character sets or custom characters, including Unicode:

iex> defmodule(HexId, do: use(Puid, chars: :hex))
iex> HexId.generate()

iex> defmodule(DingoskyId, do: use(Puid, chars: "dingosky"))
iex> DingoskyId.generate()

iex> defmodule(DingoskyUnicodeId, do: use(Puid, chars: "dîñgø$kyDÎÑGØßK¥", total: 2.5e6, risk: 1.0e15))
iex> DingoskyUnicodeId.generate()

Captured Entropy

Generated IDs have at least 128-bit entropy by default. Puid provides a simple, intuitive way to specify ID randomness by declaring a total number of possible IDs with a specified risk of a repeat in that many IDs:

To generate up to 10 million random IDs with 1 in a trillion chance of repeat:

iex> defmodule(MyPuid, do: use(Puid, total: 10.0e6, risk: 1.0e15))
iex> MyPuid.generate()

The bits option can be used to directly specify an amount of ID randomness:

iex> defmodule(Token, do: use(Puid, bits: 256, chars: :hex_upper))
iex> Token.generate()

Note this is much more intuitive than guess, or simply not knowing, how much entropy your random IDs actually have.

General Note

The mathematical approximations used by Puid always favor conservative estimatation:

  • overestimate the bits needed for a specified total and risk
  • overestimate the risk of generating a total number of puids
  • underestimate the total number of puids that can be generated at a specified risk



Add puid to mix.exs dependencies:

def deps,
  do: [
    {:puid, "~> 2.1"}

Update dependencies

mix deps.get

Module API

Puid modules have the following functions:

  • generate/0: Generate a random puid
  • total/1: total puids which can be generated at a specified risk
  • risk/1: risk of generating total puids
  • encode/1: Encode bytes into a puid
  • decode/1: Decode a puid into bytes
  • info/0: Module information

The total/1, risk/1 functions provide approximations to the risk of a repeat in some total number of generated puids. The mathematical approximations used purposely overestimate risk and underestimate total.

The encode/1, decode/1 functions convert String.t() puids to and from bitstring bits to facilitate binary data storage, e.g. as an Ecto type.

The info/0 function returns a Puid.Info structure consisting of:

  • source characters
  • name of pre-defined Puid.Chars or :custom
  • entropy bits per character
  • total entropy bits
    • may be larger than the specified bits since it is a multiple of the entropy bits per character
  • entropy representation efficiency
    • ratio of the puid entropy to the bits required for puid string representation
  • entropy source function
  • puid string length


iex> defmodule(SafeId, do: use(Puid))

iex> SafeId.generate()


iex> SafeId.risk(1.0e12)

iex> SafeId.decode("CSWEPL3AiethdYFlCbSaVC")
<<9, 37, 132, 60, 189, 192, 137, 235, 97, 117, 129, 101, 9, 180, 154, 84, 32>>

iex> SafeId.encode(<<9, 37, 132, 60, 189, 192, 137, 235, 97, 117, 129, 101, 9, 180, 154, 84, 2::size(4)>>)

  characters: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_",
  char_set: :safe64,
  entropy_bits: 132.0,
  entropy_bits_per_char: 6.0,
  ere: 0.75,
  length: 22,
  rand_bytes: &:crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1


There are 19 pre-defined character sets:

Name Characters
:alpha ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
:alpha_lower abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
:alphanum ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
:alphanum_lower abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789
:alphanum_upper ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
:base16 0123456789ABCDEF
:base32_hex 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv
:base32_hex_upper 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV
:crockford32 0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ
:decimal 0123456789
:hex 0123456789abcdef
:hex_upper 0123456789ABCDEF
:safe_ascii !#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
:safe32 2346789bdfghjmnpqrtBDFGHJLMNPQRT
:safe64 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_
:symbol !#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~
:wordSafe32 23456789CFGHJMPQRVWXcfghjmpqrvwx

Any String of up to 256 unique characters can be used for puid generation, with custom characters optimized in the same manner as the pre-defined character sets. The characters must be unique. This isn't strictly a technical requirement, PUID could handle duplicate characters, but the resulting randomness of the IDs is maximal when the characters are unique, so PUID enforces that restriction.

Description of non-obvious character sets

Name Description
:base32_hex Lowercase of :base32_hex_upper
:safe_ascii Printable ascii that does not require escape in String
:safe32 Alpha and numbers picked to reduce chance of English words
:wordSafe32 Alpha and numbers picked to reduce chance of English words

Note: :safe32 and :wordSafe32 are two different strategies for the same goal.



As described in the overview, PUID aims to be a general, flexible mechanism for creating random string for use as random IDs. The following comparisons to other Elixir random ID generators is with respect to the issues of random ID generation described in that overview.



  • Entropy source: Generating indexes via a PRNG is straightforward, though wasteful when compared to bit slicing. Generating indexes via a CSPRNG is not straightforward except for hex characters.
  • Characters: Full control
  • Captured entropy: Indirectly specified via ID length


PUID is much faster.

Generate 100000 random IDs with 128 bits of entropy using alphanumeric characters

  Common Solution   (PRNG) : 4.977226
  Puid              (PRNG) : 0.831748

  Common Solution (CSPRNG) : 8.435073
  Puid            (CSPRNG) : 0.958437



  • Entropy source: No control. Fixed to PRNG :random.uniform/1
  • Characters: No control. Fixed to :alphanum
  • Captured entropy: Indirectly specified via ID length


Quite slow compared to PUID

Generate 50000 random IDs with 128 bits of entropy using alphanum characters

  Misc.Random (PRNG) : 12.196646
  Puid        (PRNG) : 0.295741

  Misc.Random (CSPRNG) : 11.9858
  Puid        (CSPRNG) : 0.310417



  • Entropy source: Limited control; choice of CSPRNG or PRNG
  • Characters: Full control
  • Captured entropy: Indirectly specified via ID length


nanoid is much slower than PUID

  Generate 75000 random IDs with 126 bits of entropy using safe64 characters

    Nanoid (CSPRNG) : 6.354221
    Puid   (CSPRNG) : 0.226448

    Nanoid (PRNG) : 1.229842
    Puid   (PRNG) : 0.31025

  Generate 75000 random IDs with 195 bits of entropy using alphanum characters

    Nanoid (CSPRNG) : 10.295134
    Puid   (CSPRNG) : 0.809756

    Nanoid (PRNG) : 1.678025
    Puid   (PRNG) : 0.808203



  • Entropy source: No control
  • Characters: Limited to five pre-defined character sets
  • Captured entropy: Indirectly specified via ID length


Slower than PUID

Generate 100000 random IDs with 128 bits of entropy using alphanum characters

  Randomizer   (PRNG) : 1.201281
  Puid         (PRNG) : 0.829199

  Randomizer (CSPRNG) : 4.329881
  Puid       (CSPRNG) : 0.807226



  • Entropy source: No control. Fixed to :crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1
  • Characters: Limited control for 3 specified use cases
  • Captured entropy: Indirectly specified via ID length


About the same as PUID when using CSPRNG

Generate 500000 random IDs with 128 bits of entropy using hex characters

  SecureRandom (CSPRNG) : 1.19713
  Puid         (CSPRNG) : 1.187726

Generate 500000 random IDs with 128 bits of entropy using safe64 characters

  SecureRandom (CSPRNG) : 2.103798
  Puid         (CSPRNG) : 1.806514



  • Entropy source: No control. Fixed to CSPRNG (per spec)
  • Characters: No control. Fixed to :base32
  • Captured entropy: 80-bits per timestamp context

A significant characteristic of ulid is the generation of lexicographically sortable IDs. This is not a goal for PUID; however, one could use PUID to generate such IDs by prefixing a timestamp to a generated puid. Such a solution would be similar to ulid while still providing full control to entropy source, characters, and captured entropy per timestamp context.


ulid and PUID are not directly comparable with regard to speed.



  • Entropy source: No control. Fixed to crypto.strong_rand_bytes/1
  • Character: No control. Furthermore, string representation is inefficient
  • Capture entropy: No control. Fixed to 122 bits


Similar to PUID when using CSPRNG

Generate 500000 random IDs with 122 bits of entropy using hex
  UUID     : 1.925131
  Puid hex : 1.823116

Generate 500000 random IDs with 122 bits of entropy using safe64
  UUID        : 1.751625
  Puid safe64 : 1.367201


Probably Unique IDentifier

PUID aims to be a general, flexible mechanism for creating random string for use as random IDs. Library implementations also strive to be fast and efficient.

For the purposes of PUID, random IDs are a bunch of random strings generated for use as IDs within a specified context. (See Understanding Random IDs for detailed overview.) As such, random ID generation can be viewed as a transformation of some entropy source into a string representation of captured entropy. A general purpose library for such transformation should provide flexible control over the entropy source, the characters used, and the resulting captured randomness.

ID Generation

Entropy source

PUID provide full control over the bytes used as input into the transformation process, while also providing three default sources: CSPRNG, PRNG and Fixed Bytes.

  • CSPRNG: Crytographically Secure Pseudo Random Number Generator. This entropy source is recommended for IDs used in context where security is of importance. Each library utilizes language specific mechanisms to access the crytographically secure random bytes provided by the underlying system.

  • PRNG: Pseudo Random Number Generator. This entropy source also provides excellent randomess but may be susceptible to certain security related attacks. Again, each library utilizes language specific mechanisms to access randomness provided by the underlying system.

  • Fixed Bytes: This entropy source is not random, but provides deterministic bytes useful for testing purposes. An application can use CSPRNG, PRNG, or a custom entropy source for production and configure the use of Fixed Bytes for deterministic testing.


PUID provides full control over the characters used in generated IDs. A number of predefined character sets are provided, and custom characters (including unicode) can also be specified. To maximize captured entropy, PUID enforces the characters used must be unique.

Captured randomness

The randomness of IDs is actually the ultimate metric in random ID generation. Curiously, many random ID generators don't even specify what that metric is or don't provide any direct way to specify its value. Given the importance of the metric, it should be explicitly clear how random random IDs are. PUID provides direct specification of the bits of entropy desired for IDs, as well as an intuitive way to specify desired randomness in a total number of generated IDs given a specific risk.


Each PUID library includes extensive test suites for correctness:

Fixed Bytes entropy sources provide bit level inspection of the correctness in transforming source entropy into random IDs.

Character distribution across large numbers of IDs is tested for uniform distribution using chi-square analysis. These tests are independently and directly performed with the Elixir and Python libraries. All libraries validate ID generation by using comparing output of chi-square tested data with expected output.


The general, flexible use of PUID is its primary goals. However, careful consideration has been taken to make the library implementations fast and efficient as well:

PUID produces IDs from its entropy source using a low-level bit slicing scheme that only uses the number of bits necessary to (conceptually) index into an array of input characters. For example, when using 26 lowercase alpha characters, such an index would require at most 5 bits, so PUID sliced input entropy bytes 5 bits at a time. This is in direct contrast to using, for example, a random integer produced from an IEEE 754 float that may well have 53 actual bits of entropy.

The PUID bit-slicing process maintains unused bits for use in generating the next puid.

PUID uses the absolute minimum number of bits to produce an ID. Consider, for example, using the 10 vowel characters aeiouAEIOU for IDs. The bit-slicing mechanism used by PUID slices 4 bits at a time to produce a (conceptual) index to determine the next character. One bit-slicing strategy would be to inspect the index and, if greater than 9, throw the 4 bits away and repeat with the next 4 bit slice. Although this would work, it actually wastes bits, so PUID takes the process one step further. As example, suppose the sliced bits were 11xx, that is, the first two sliced bits are 11. Regardless of the other 2 bits, the index from all 4 bits will be greater than 9; therefore PUID only throws away the first 2 bits and uses the xx bits as the beginning of the next bit slice. In this example, the "bit saving" scheme saves 32% of the bits that would be tossed.

PUID libraries do not actually index into an array of characters, but rather encodes bit-sliced indexes directly for faster ID generation.


Fast and efficient generation of cryptographically strong probably unique identifiers (puid, aka random string) of specified entropy from various character sets.







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