Class that parses and cleans up malicious php functions
Project privides a very simple an basic way to clean up your php scrips. Supported php functions are listed below
- apache_child_terminate
- apache_setenv
- define_syslog_variables
- escapeshellarg
- escapeshellcmd
- eval
- exec
- fp
- fput
- ftp_connect
- ftp_exec
- ftp_get
- ftp_login
- ftp_nb_fput
- ftp_put
- ftp_raw
- ftp_rawlist
- highlight_file
- ini_alter
- ini_get_all
- ini_restore
- inject_code
- mysql_pconnect
- openlog
- passthru
- php_uname
- phpAds_remoteInfo
- phpAds_XmlRpc
- phpAds_xmlrpcDecode
- phpAds_xmlrpcEncode
- popen
- posix_getpwuid
- posix_kill
- posix_mkfifo
- posix_setpgid
- posix_setsid
- posix_setuid
- posix_setuid
- posix_uname
- proc_close
- proc_get_status
- proc_nice
- proc_open
- proc_terminate
- shell_exec
- syslog
- system
- xmlrpc_entity_decode