These sample apps show how to use a variety of different languages and frameworks with Continuum, demonstrating its diversity of workloads and developer-friendly features.
To see more about creating your own stagers, check out stager-jekyll and stager-td-agent.
To see more about creating applications with manifest files, check out example-ruby-manifest.
To see more about promoting an application to act as a service gateway, see example-redis-sg.
To see more about consuming multiple services with an application, see demo-node-todo.
Each sample is licensed under the MIT license unless otherwise specified.
The easiest way to try Continuum locally on your machine is to use Vagrant. You can use the Vagrantfile in this repo under vagrant/ to launch Apcera Continuum trial VirtualBox image. Make sure your VitualBox and Vagrant tools are already setup.
$ git clone
$ cd vagrant
$ cp continuum-setup.conf.template continuum-setup.conf
Update the continuum-setup.conf (pick domain name prefix portion that is unique)
$ vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
$ vagrant ssh
To use VMware, replace "virtualbox" with "vmware_fusion" or "vmware_workstation".