If you are concerned about the security of the web4ukraine.org project. Use this open source version of the script.
This version is hosted publicly, so you could see what you embed to your site. Script will call free API ipapi.co,
which will retrive conuntry of visitor by IP lookup. If user country is RU
script redirect user to website web4ukraine
with url of visitor page. Website web4ukraine.org redirect user back to your website after 6 seconds.
Script will remember detection result in cookie for one day.
<script async src="https://pilotcz.github.io/web4ukraine/index.js"></script>
insted of
<script async src="https://js.web4ukraine.org/"></script>
or install wia npm
npm i pilotcz-web4ukraine
than import module
import web4ukraine from "pilotcz-web4ukraine"
Use freely or fork it.