This is a spare-time personal project that I'm doing for fun. It's called Fil-C.
What is it? It's a totally memory-safe version of C and C++. All memory safety
errors are caught as Fil-C panics. Fil-C achieves this using a combination of
real-time garbage collection and invisible capabilities (each pointer in memory
has a corresponding capability, not visible to the C address space). Every
fundamental C operation (as seen in LLVM IR) is checked against the capability.
Fil-C has no unsafe
escape hatch of any kind.
The compiler (clang + LLVM) is covered by LLVM-LICENSE.txt. The runtime is covered by PAS-LICENSE.txt (see libpas/LICENSE.txt in the source distribution). The libc is covered by MUSL-LICENSE.txt (see yolomusl/COPYRIGHT and usermusl/COPYRIGHT in the source distribution). The libc++/libc++abi are covered by LLVM-LICENSE.txt.
You can fetch the compiler, runtime, libc++/libc++abi source from
You can fetch musl source from (there are two of them - the yolomusl branch for the libc that sits below the runtime and the usermusl branch for the libc that sits above the runtime).
Fil-C only works on Linux/X86_64.
Previous versions worked on Darwin/ARM64 and FreeBSD, but now I'm focusing just on Linux/X86_64 because it allows me to do a more faithful job of implementing libc. There's nothing fundamentally stopping Fil-C from working on ARM or OSes other than Linux.
If you downloaded Fil-C binaries, run:
If you downloaded Fil-C source, run:
Then you'll be able to use Fil-C from within this directory. There is no way to "install" it, because that would be a crazy thing to do for such an experimental piece of software!
Included if you build from source using
Memory-safe SSH client and server.
Memory-safe curl.
Memory-safe libz and openssl.
Memory-safe libc (based on musl) and libc++ (based on LLVM's libc++).
A version of clang that you can use to compile C or C++ programs.
The binary distribution only includes clang, libc, and libc++.
Fil-C catches all of the stuff that makes memory safety in C hard, like:
Out-of-bounds on the heap or stack.
Use-after free (also heap or stack).
Type confusion between pointers and non-pointers.
Type errors arising from linking.
Type errors arising from misuse of va_lists.
Pointer races.
System calls. All buffers passed to system calls are checked for bounds and type.
Lots of other stuff.
Fil-C comes with a reasonably complete POSIX libc and even supports tricky
features like threads, signal handling, mmap
, longjmp
and C++ exceptions.
Fil-C is not a complete product. Lots of stuff isn't done!
Fil-C doesn't fully address UB not related to memory, yet. For example, dividing by zero may take the compiler down a weird path.
I'm still working on performance. In good cases, it's 1.5x slower than normal C. In bad cases, it's 5x slower. Lots of work remains to fix those bad cases.
Probably other stuff, too!
These are all things that can be fixed. They just haven't been, yet.
The best write-up of Fil-C is the manifesto.
You can also e-mail me: [email protected]
And follow my rants on Twitter.
I don't have a bug database or anything like that, so bothering me on Twitter or over e-mail is your best bet, probably. And I might ignore you anyway.
No guarantees!