libnode is a C++ implementation of Node.js.
Just like Node.js, libnode provides non-blocking I/O, which enables you to develop scalable Web applications in C++. libnode is faster and smaller than Node.js, so it is especially suitable for embedded devices.
You need to clone all the dependant submodules to build libnode.
git clone --recursive
mkdir libnode/build
cd libnode/build
cmake ..
The memory management of libnode is automatic, based on either shared_ptr or bdw-gc.
libnode uses shared_ptr by default. In order to use bdw-gc,
If you'd like to post messages to libnode from other threads in your application,
tools/windows-cmake.ps1 [cmake-option ...]
export ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/android-ndk
tools/ [cmake-option ...]
tools/ [cmake-option ...]
The following HTTP server responds with "Hello World" for every request.
auto srv = http::Server::create(
JsClosure::create([] (JsArray::Ptr args) {
auto res = args->getPtr<http::ServerResponse>(1);
res->setHeader(http::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, str("text/plain"));
res->end(str("Hello World\n"));
srv->listen(1337, str(""));
For more information about the usage, please refer to libnode/gtest.