/Simple durability, made flexible./
A simple document store protocol defined with core.async semantics to allow
Clojuresque collection operations on associative key-value stores, both from
Clojure and ClojureScript for different backends. Data is generally serialized
with edn semantics or, if supported, as native binary blobs and can be accessed
similar to clojure.core
functions get-in
, assoc-in
and update-in
especially allows to run functions atomically and returns old and
new value. Each operation is run atomically and must be consistent (in fact
ACID), but further consistency is not supported (Riak, CouchDB and many scalable
solutions don’t have transactions over keys for that reason). This is meant to
be a building block for more sophisticated storage solutions (Datomic also
builds on kv-stores). An append-log for fast writes is also implemented.
- cross-platform between Clojure and ClojureScript (including node.js)
- lowest-common denominator interface for an associative datastructure
semantics - thread-safety with atomicity over key operations
- consistent error handling for core.async
- fast serialization options (fressian, transit, …), independent of the underlying kv-store
- very low overhead protocol, including direct binary access for high throughput
- no additional dependencies and setup required for IndexedDB in the browser and the file backend on the JVM
- avoids blocking io, the filestore for instance will not block any thread on reading. Fully asynchronous support for writing and other stores is in the pipeline.
A file-system store in Clojure and IndexedDB for ClojureScript are provided as elementary reference implementations for the two most important platforms. No setup and no additional dependencies are needed.
The file-system store currently uses fressian in Clojure and fress in
ClojureScript and is quite efficient. Both implementations use the same on-disk
format and can load the same store (but not concurrently). It also allows to
access values as a normal file-system file, e.g. to open it with a native
database like HDF5 in Java. You can decide not to fsync on every write by a
configuration of {:fsync false}
, if a potential but unlikely data loss is not
critical for you (e.g. for a session store).
For IndexedDB there is no internal JSON-representation of the underlying store like transit yet, hence it is fairly slow for edn still. There is a JSON store protocol implemented for IndexedDB in case interoperability with a JavaScript application is wanted. Be careful not to confuse values with edn values, they are stored in separate locations and cannot clash.
- LevelDB: konserve-leveldb.
- CouchDB: konserve-clutch.
- Redis: konserve-carmine.
- Riak: konserve-welle.
- PostgreSQL: konserve-pg.
New storage backends, e.g. MongoDB, JDBC, WebSQL, Local-Storage are welcome.
There is also a system component for the internal backends.
- The protocol is used in production and originates as an elementary storage protocol for replikativ.
- kampbell maps collections of entities to konserve and enforces specs.
Due to its simplicity it is also fairly fast as it directly serializes Clojure, e.g. with fressian, to durable storage. The file-store is CPU bound atm. More detailed benchmarks are welcome :).
(let [numbers (doall (range 1024))]
(doseq [i (range 1000)]
(<!! (assoc-in store [i] numbers)))))
;; fs-store: ~7.2 secs on my old laptop
;; mem-store: ~0.186 secs
(let [numbers (doall (range (* 1024 1024)))]
(doseq [i (range 10)]
(<!! (assoc-in store [i] numbers)))))
;; fs-store: ~46 secs, large files: 1 million ints each
;; mem-store: ~0.003 secs
It is not necessarily fast depending on the usage pattern. The general idea is to write most values once (e.g. in form of index fragments) and only update one place once all data is written, similar to Clojure’s persistent datastructures and balanced trees. To store values under non-conflicting keys, have a look at hasch.
konserve assumes currently that it accesses its keyspace in the store exclusively. It uses hasch to support arbitrary edn keys and hence does not normally clash with outside usage even when the same keys are used. To support multiple konserve clients in the store the backend has to support locking and proper transactions on keys internally, which is the case for backends like CouchDB, Redis and Riak.
Different formats for edn
serialization like
transit or a
simple pr-str
version are supported and can be combined with different
stores. Stores have a reasonable default setting. You can also extend
the serialization protocol to other formats if you need it. You can
provide incognito support
for records, if you need them.
You can read and write custom records according to incognito.
Add to your leiningen dependencies:
From a Clojure REPL run:
(ns test-db
(:require [konserve.filestore :refer [new-fs-store]]
[konserve.core :as k]
[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<!!]]))
;; Note: We use the thread blocking operations <!! here only to synchronize
;; with the REPL. <!! is blocking IO and does not compose well with async
;; contexts, so prefer composing your application with go and <! instead.
(def store (<!! (new-fs-store "/tmp/store")))
(<!! (k/assoc-in store ["foo" :bar] {:foo "baz"}))
(<!! (k/get-in store ["foo"]))
(<!! (k/exists? store "foo"))
(<!! (k/assoc-in store [:bar] 42))
(<!! (k/update-in store [:bar] inc))
(<!! (k/get-in store [:bar]))
(<!! (k/dissoc store :bar))
(<!! (k/append store :error-log {:type :horrible}))
(<!! (k/log store :error-log))
(let [ba (byte-array (* 10 1024 1024) (byte 42))]
(time (<!! (k/bassoc store "banana" ba))))
(<!! (k/bget store "banana"
(fn [{is :input-stream}]
(go (your-read-does-all-work-here is)))))
In a ClojureScript REPL you can evaluate the expressions from the REPL each wrapped in a go-block.
For simple purposes a memory store wrapping an Atom is implemented as well:
(ns test-db
(:require [konserve.memory :refer [new-mem-store]]
[konserve.core :as k]))
(go (def my-db (<! (new-mem-store)))) ;; or (go (def my-db (<!
(new-mem-store (atom {:foo 42})))))
In ClojureScript from a browser (you need IndexedDB available in your js env):
(ns test-db
(:require [konserve.indexeddb :refer [new-indexeddb-store]])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]]))
(go (def my-db (<! (new-indexeddb-store "konserve"))))
(go (println "get:" (<! (k/get-in my-db ["test" :a]))))
(go (doseq [i (range 10)] (<! (k/assoc-in my-db [i] i))))
;; prints 0 to 9 each on a line
(go (doseq [i (range 10)] (println (<! (k/get-in my-db [i])))))
(go (println (<! (k/assoc-in my-db ["test"] {:a 1 :b 4.2}))))
(go (println (<! (k/update-in my-db ["test" :a] inc))))
;; => "test" contains {:a 2 :b 4.2}
For non-REPL code execution you have to put all channel operations in one top-level go-block for them to be synchronized:
(ns test-db
(:require [konserve.indexeddb :refer [new-indexeddb-store]])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]]))
(go (def my-db (<! (new-indexeddb-store "konserve")))
(println "get:" (<! (k/get-in my-db ["test" :a])))
(doseq [i (range 10)]
(<! (k/assoc-in my-db [i] i))))
For more examples have a look at the comment blocks at the end of the respective namespaces.
We provide a backend implementation guide .
There are experimental javascript bindings in the konserve.js
konserve.js.new_mem_store(function(s) { store = s; });
# or
konserve.js.new_indexeddb_store("test_store", function(s) { store = s; })
konserve.js.exists(store, ["foo"], function(v) { console.log(v); });
konserve.js.assoc_in(store, ["foo"], 42, function(v) {});
function(v) { console.log(v); });
function(v) { return v+1; },
function(res) { console.log("Result:", res); });
- add stress tests with https://github.com/madthanu/alice (for filestore)
- implement https://github.com/maxogden/abstract-blob-store for cljs
- verify proper directory fsync for filestore http://blog.httrack.com/blog/2013/11/15/everything-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-fsync/
- evaluate bytearrays for binary values
- add transit cljs support (once it is declared stable)
- more backends
- introduce common storage layouts and store serialization context with each key value pair, this will facilitate migration code in the future
- implementation for the filestore (thanks to @FerdiKuehne)
- introduce metadata to track edit timestamps
- add garbage collector
- introduce superv.async error handling
- extend API to be more like Clojure’s (thanks to @MrEbbinghaus)
- add logging
- update on ClojureScript support still pending
- fix nested value extraction in filestore, thanks to @csm
- cljs fressian support
- filestore for node.js
- experimental caching support
- improved filestore with separate metadata storage
- experimental clojure.core.cache support
- fix exists for binary
- friendly printing of stores on JVM
- fix a racecondition in the lock creation
- do not drain the threadpool for the filestore
- support distinct dissoc (not implicit key-removal on assoc-in store key nil)
- bump deps
- make fsync configurable
- remove full.async until binding issues are resolved
- simplify and fix indexeddb
- do clean locking with syntactic macro sugar
- fix cljs support
- store the key in the filestore and allow to iterate stored keys (not binary atm.)
- implement append functions to have high throughput append-only logs
- use core.async based locking on top-level API for all stores
- allow to delete a file-store
- experimental JavaScript bindings
- use fixed incognito version
- fix return value of assoc-in
- Wrap protocols in proper Clojure functions in the core namespace.
- Implement assoc-in in terms of update-in
- Introduce serialiasation protocol with the help of incognito and decouple stores
- filestore: disable cache
- factor out all tagged literal functions to incognito
- use reader conditionals
- bump deps
- filestore: flush output streams, fsync on fs operations
- filestore can be considered beta quality
- couchdb: add -exists?
- couchdb: move to new project
- remove logging and return ex-info exceptions in go channel
- filestore: locking around java strings is a bad idea, use proper lock objects
- filestore: do io inside async/thread (like async’s pipeline) to not block the async threadpool
- filestore: implement a naive cache (flushes once > 1000 values)
- filestore, indexeddb: allow to safely custom deserialize file-inputstream in transaction/lock
- filestore, indexeddb, memstore: implement -exists?
- filestore: fix fressian collection types for clojure, expose read-handlers/write-handlers
- filestore: fix -update-in behaviour for nested values
- filestore: fix rollback renaming order
- experimental native ACID file-store for Clojure
- native binary blob support for file-store, IndexedDB and mem-store
- Björn Ebbinghaus
- Daniel Szmulewicz
- Konrad Kühne
- Christian Weilbach
Copyright © 2014-2019 Christian Weilbach and contributors
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.