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The aim of pootle page builder is to help you create compelling WordPress pages more easily. We hope you like it.


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=== Pootle Pagebuilder - WordPress Page builder ===

Contributors: pootlepress, shramee, jamesmarsland
Plugin Name: pootle page builder
Plugin URI:
Tags: page builder, pagebuilder, pootlepress, pootle page builder, pootlepagebuilder, pootle pagebuilder, layout, layouts, layout builder, layout customizer, content builder, landing pages, landing page builder, site origin
Author URI:
Author: PootlePress
Donate link:
Requires at least: 4.1.0
Tested up to: 6.0.0
Stable tag: 5.7.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Pootle Pagebuilder is a front-end, drag and drop page builder that makes it easy to create beautiful WordPress pages and posts.

== Description ==

> **If I was to use a page builder on one of my sites, Pootle Page Builder would be in the running for my top choice** -  *Pippin Williamson - WordPress guru*

If you've ever been frustrated with WordPress then you're going to love how Pootle Pagebuilder gives you complete control over your page layouts.

= What is Pootle Pagebuilder? =

Pootle Pagebuilder is a front-end, drag and drop page builder that is the most creative, fun and intuitive way to build stunning looking pages and posts with WordPress.

Anyone can now create a beautiful WordPress website in minutes and no technical knowledge is needed (we promise).

= What can I do with Pootle Pagebuilder? =

With Pootle Pagebuilder you can:

* Build beautiful pages in minutes
* Design your pages from the front-end with a powerful drag and drop live designer
* Add full width rows, to create long sectional pages
* Add flexible rows and columns to create the page you want
* Customize the styles of content areas
* Add background images, colours and videos to rows
* Add parallax background images to rows
* Add CSS customizations (for advanced users)

Basic operation

Pixel perfect drag and drop

Row animations


Customizable Icons

Elegant Accordions

= Is there anything else you can tell me about Pootle Pagebuilder? =

We have made sure Pootle Pagebuilder:

* Works on any theme.
* Works with your favourite plugins e.g Ninja forms.
* Is mobile friendly. The pages you create with Pootle Pagebuilder  will work seamlessly on desktop and mobile.
* Feels as much like WordPress as possible making it easy to use for site owners and non technical content editors.
* Works via the front-end and back-end.
* Lean and fast - the code is well written and fully optimized and tested for performance and speed.
* The free version of Pootle Pagebuilder has amazing features such as parallax and video backgrounds.

= We're super-excited to now also offer a Pro version that adds the following additional, powerful functionality; =

= Pootle Pagebuilder Pro features =

* Blog Customizer - design beautiful blog pages by bringing posts into your pages
* WooCommerce Customizer - create highly customized WooCommerce pages
* Page Customizer - customize individual pages - e.g hide header for squeeze and landing pages
* One pager Customizer - create one pager websites in minutes
* Photo Customizer - create stunning galleries and slideshows
* Premium support

If you would like to see the Pootle Pagebuilder Pro version in action click here to see some short video walkthroughs

== Usage ==

Install and activate the plugin. In your WordPress dashboard simply add a new page to start using page builder.

Watch this video.


== Installation ==

Installing "Pootle Pagebuilder" can be done either by searching for "Pootle Pagebuilder" via the "Plugins > Add New" screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

1. Download the plugin via
2. Upload the ZIP file through the "Plugins > Add New > Upload" screen in your WordPress dashboard.
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
4. Visit the settings screen and configure, as desired.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Where can I get help & support =

For help & support please head over to where there are loads of helpful articles and you can submit a support ticket.

= How do I contribute? =

We encourage everyone to contribute their ideas, thoughts and code snippets. This can be done by forking the [repository over at GitHub](

== Screenshots ==

1. Edit page interface

2. Content block editor

3. Content block styling

4. Row display settings / Background image

5. Row display settings / Background video

6. Row display settings / Layout
7. Modules

8. WooCommerce module (pro version only)

9. Ninja Forms module

10. Pootle Slider module

11. Hero module

12. Also great for WordPress Posts

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 5.0.0 =
 * 5.0.0 is a major release, Please backup your site before updating from 4.x.x

== Changelog ==

= 5.7.4 =
* 2025-02-11
* Update - Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version

= 5.7.2 =
* 2022-07-12
* Update - Update Freemius SDK

= 5.7.1 =
* 2022-03-01
* Minor - Update Freemius SDK

= 5.7.0 =
* 2020-08-17
* Fix - Admin editor and live editor breaking on save WP 5.5
* Fix - Page customizer compatibility WordPress 5.5
* Fix - Pootle Button compatibility WordPress 5.5

= 5.6.0 =
* 2020-05-04
* Tweak - Font awesome picker FA5 icons

= 5.5.2 =
* 2019-03-01
* Minor - Update Freemius SDK to v2.3.0

= =
* 2019-03-01
* Minor - Rename README.txt to readme.txt

= =
* 2019-02-27
* Tweak - Update Freemius SDK

= 5.5.1 =
* 2018-12-12
* Fix - Classic editor compatibility
* Fix - Yoast SEO compatibility

= 5.5.0 =
* 2018-12-05
* New - WordPress 5.0.0 compatibility
* New - Option to add a row above an existing row
* New - Allow content block color overlay on image
* Fix - Overlay for Ken burns
* Fix - Mobile parallax pictures super zoomed
* Fix - z-index issue affect external plugins content like Gravity forms
* Tweak - Edit icons changed to settings icon
* Tweak - Intro tour improved
* Tweak - Front end JS cleaned
* Tweak - Post builder (PRO) pagination fix

= 5.4.0 =
* 2018-05-19
* New - WordPress 4.9.6 compatibility
* New - Gutenberg compatibility
* New - Blog customizer (PRO) posts improved
* Tweak - UI tweaks to improve UX

= 5.3.0 =
* 2018-03-23
* New - Gutenberg compatibility
* Tweak - Pages always responsive
* Minor UI tweaks

= 5.2.0 =
* 2018-02-23
* New - Featured image row background
* Fix - Freemius cURL error
* Tweak - Unsplash new API tweaks
* Tweak - Escape assets url in Pootle Button (broken on some sites)
* Tweak - Use https for querying templates

= 5.1.0 =
* 2017-11-15
* New - WordPress 4.9 compatibility
* New - New font size options
* Fix - Hero module  not full width by default
* Fix - Live editor not saving sometimes
* Fix - Console error when updating (`'&nbsp' not recognised`)
* Fix - Closing page title dialog keeps loading forever
* Fix - Color picker looks good on Windows chrome as well
* Tweak - Page customizer link url encoded
* Tweak - Alpha color picker fixed for WP v4.9
* Tweak - Escaping assets url in pootle button

= 5.0.0 =
* 2017-09-28
* New - Layouts more flexible and robust (use newer tech)
* New - Mobile behaviour for rows and columns
* New - Full width content option for rows
* New - Frontend styles optimization
* New - Design templates for rows (Pootle Cloud)
* New - Content block image fields support free images from Unsplash
* Tweak - All CSS minified for faster loading
* Tweak - Front end CSS now compiled from SASS
* Tweak - Freemius SDK updated to v1.
* Fix - Page customizer not working on some servers
* Dev - Live editor JS `prevu.addRow()` new parameters `callback, blockData, rowStyle, cellWidths`
* Dev - Live editor JS notification function `ppbNotify( 'Message' )`
* Dev - Modules support property `only_new_row` and `only_existing_row`, by default can be applied to both
* Dev - Modules `activeClass` property renamed to `active_class`
* Dev - Layouts now done with CSS3 FLEXBOX

= 4.1.1 =
* 2017-05-26
* Fix - Color picker messed up

= 4.1.0 =
* 2017-05-26
* Fix - Close live preview customizer sidebar not showing in some themes (`box-sizing` issue)
* Fix - Ninja forms module not showing forms in drop down selector
* Fix - WooCommerce addon products selection dropdown only shows 50 products
* Tweak - Shortcodes now don't get wrapped in `<p>` tags
* Tweak - Live editor page preview AJAX handler now creates resettable queries
* Tweak - Blog customizer made more robust by design

= 4.0.0 =
* 2017-05-11
* New - Content edit panel now shown as a sidebar and show preview live :)
* New - Row styling panel now shown as sidebar and show live preview as well.
* New - Content styling and content modules separated, now modules can only be dragged in content blocks.
* New - Loader displayed when AJAX response is awaited.
* New - Draggable handles redesigned to be more user friendly
* New - Buttons and icons show editable tooltips
* Fix - Title in blog customizer not showing ( z-index issue )
* Fix - Photography addon and WooCommerce product gallery conflict
* Tweak - `Save`/`Publish` and `Live Edit` made last items in admin bar.
* Tweak - Live editor ajax callback cleared before calling.
* Tweak - Live editor JS minified by task runner
* Tweak - Content edit panel editor simplified
* Tweak - Row styling icon always visible and first icon
* Tweak - Row styling icon changed from paint brush to pencil
* Tweak - Tour includes Drag and drop modules
* Tweak - Hide unrendered dialogs html in live edit area

= 3.7.2 =
* 2017-03-17
* New - Horizontal and vertical center on mobile
* New - Full height row
* New - Advanced content setting tab in live editor
* Fix - Page builder content dump in post content not working SEO not working
* Fix - Customizer JS console error caused by page customizer
* Fix - Videos and shortcodes not rendering in products built with page builder
* Tweak - CoffeeScript for preprocessing live editor JS

= 3.7.1 =
* 2017-01-13
* Tweak - Live editor ajax loop no posts fallback
* Tweak - Adds a console error if AJAX request response is not as expected instead of failing

= 3.7.0 =
* 2017-01-06
* New - Free modules available for pro
* Fix - Page customizer license key missing
* Tweak - Post Loop in live editor admin ajax action
* Tweak - Welcome page revamped
* Tweak - FS sdk updated
* Dev - Filter `pootlepb_dump_ppb_content` to skip post content dump by ppb
* Dev - Action `pootlepb_live_editor_init`
* Dev - Action `pootlepb_live_editor_after_init`

= 3.6.0 =
* 2016-12-06
* Fix - Row animation hiding row on mobile devices
* Fix - Content keeping on deactivation
* Fix - Page customizer WPv4.7 compatibility
* Fix - SFP page customizer conflict
* Tweak - Freemius welcome message
* Tweak - Images coming via `https` protocol

= 3.5.1 =
* 2016-09-25
* Fix - Error on sites using php 5.4 and lower

= 3.5.0 =
* 2016-09-20
 * New - Row background effect - Fixed background parallax
 * New - Row background effect - Ken burns
 * New - Row accordion
 * New - Row animations
 * New - Row gradients
 * New - Row gradient over image
 * New - Font Awesome icons module
 * New - One Pager module
 * New - WooCommerce Carousel
 * Tweak - Removed rag adjust
 * Tweak - `pootlepb_row_cell_attributes` now include current rows settings as 4th parameters
 * Tweak - `pootlepb_uses_pb( $post )` to check if post uses pootle page builder
 * Tweak - New font sizes 20px and 25px
 * Fix - Compatibility with latest Ninja forms plugin

= 3.1.0 =
* 2016-09-08
 * New - Content block position dragging
 * New - Content block resizing
 * New - Google fonts in editor
 * New - Action hook `pootlepb_save_post` executed before saving ppb post data both from live editor and admin end
 * Tweak - Live editor formatting bar styling

= 3.0.1 =
* 2016-08-26
 * Tweak - Compatibility with php 5.4

= 3.0.0 =
* 2016-08-26
 * New - Modules slide in allows dragging and dropping modules
 * New - Module Hero Section
 * New - Module Image
 * New - Module Slider
 * New - Module Unsplash image
 * New - Module Button
 * New - Module Ninja Form
 * New - Module Metaslider - Slider
 * New - Pro Module Photo gallery
 * New - Pro Module Blog Posts
 * New - Pro Module WooCommerce Products
 * New - Row background now allows searching on unsplash
 * New - Setting to choose where to put modules slide in left or right
 * Fix - Match column heights now works in Firefox

= 2.5.1 =
* 2016-07-22
 * Fix - Firefox, rows collapsed by default

= 2.5.0 =
* 2016-07-22
 * New - Match column height for row.
 * New - iPad app compatibility
 * New - Live editor delete confirmation
 * New - Post settings - Categories
 * New - Post settings - Tags
 * New - Post settings - Featured image
 * New - New tinyMCE buttons - h1, h4, align left, align center and align right.
 * New - Pootle Pagebuilder tour
 * New - Templates come from external JSON file
 * Fix - Row overlay color moving to different row on drag
 * Fix - Yoast SEO no scores on WordPress editor pages

= 2.0.0 =
* 2016-05-06
 * New - Add/Edit rows and row styling live from front end!
 * New - Edit content blocks, resize them and adjust styling and properties live from front end!
 * New - Create the entire page live from front end!
 * New - New filter `pootlepb_live_page_template` filters new live page template
 * New - New filter `pootlepb_le_content_block_tabs` filters live editing content block sections
 * New - New filter `pootlepb_le_row_block_tabs` filters live editing row styling sections
 * New - Some content even after plugin is removed
 * New - Includes pootle button plugin to add lovely button with WYSIWYG in editor
 * New - Add background images to content
 * New - Now uses freemius for easy support
 * Tweak - License activation message changed
 * Tweak - License activation message can now be dismissed
 * Tweak - `Empty row height` now uses min-height and can be used even on non empty rows
 * Tweak - `Empty row height` option renamed to `Minimum Row Height`
 * Tweak - Add New option removed from Page Builder in admin menu
 * Fix - Content not searchable by many users

= 1.1.1 =
* 2016-02-19
 * Fix - Heading color setting in theme not working in PPB

= 1.1.0 =
* 2016-02-18
 * New - Added rag adjust fixing text to enhance readability in fluid layouts
 * New - New filter `pootlepb_rag_adjust_elements` to add or remove elements to adjust text in
 * New - Action hook `pootlepb_before_row` added Grid Index as sencond argument
 * New - Action hook `pootlepb_after_row` added Grid Index as sencond argument
 * New - New pootle page builder action hook `pootlepb_before_content_blocks` runs before content blocks are rendered in cell
 * New - New pootle page builder action hook `pootlepb_after_content_blocks` runs after content blocks are rendered in cell
 * New - New pootle page builder function `pootlepb_array_cmp` sorts array by priority
 * New - Option to remove Content block padding on mobile
 * New - Option to add row top margin
 * Tweak - Added class `ppb-row` for rows in pootle page builder
 * Tweak - Yoast SEO content loading by js
 * Fix - Blank add-on page

= 1.0.0 =
* 2015-09-15
 * New - New pootle page builder action hook `pootlepb_before_pb` executed before pb row on public end
 * New - New pootle page builder action hook `pootlepb_after_pb` executed after pb row on public end
 * New - Auto update for non hosted add-ons
 * New - All methods, functions and constants documented
 * New - File and class documentation blocks more descriptive
 * New - Add-on keys management page in settings
 * Tweak - Improved slider control to allow actual value as well as percentage of max
 * Tweak - Custom unit for slider ( px, em, ms etc. instead of % only )
 * Tweak - #pootle-page-builder on public end positioned relative

= 0.3.1 =
* 2015-08-19
 * Fix - Page builder ui js issues

= 0.3.0 =
* 2015-08-19
 * New - Add-on page
 * New - Chosen multi select fields supported for row settings panel and content editor panel
 * New - Radio fields supported for row settings panel and content editor panel
 * New - pootlepb_enqueue_admin_styles action to enqueue styles
 * New - pootlepb_prioritize_array to sort array items by priority key
 * New - Custom event pootlepb_admin_setup_row_buttons for adding row buttons
 * New - Add column and Remove Column buttons for row
 * New - Action hook pootlepb_add_to_panel_buttons to add buttons to add-to-pb-panel(besides add-row and prebuilt-set buttons)
 * New - Filter hook pootlepb_welcome_message to filter pootle pb welcome message
 * Tweak - Larger row dragging (jquery sortable) handle
 * Tweak - Updating chosen js library
 * Tweak - pootlepb_admin_content_block_title event provides access styles info even on update
 * Fix - Row BG overlay transparency instead of opacity
 * Fix - Updating slider with values in row settings panel and content editor panel
 * Fix - Slider control supports min, max, step and default in row settings panel and content editor panel
 * Fix - Placeholder for input fields in row settings panel and content editor panel

= 0.2.3 =
* 2015-07-20
 * New - row panel and content panel support custom field type rendering via dynamic hook
 * Tweak - parallax disabled for mobile
 * Tweak - hide icons container until hover
 * Tweak - woocommerce link only active when woocommerce is activated
 * Tweak - force responsive image to display instead of background video for mobile
 * Fix - formatting and sizing in the visual editor
 * Fix - editor now full height of container
 * Fix - page builder content now saves when page title is empty

= 0.2.2 =
* 2015-07-16
 * Fix - scrolling not working on mobile browsers
 * Fix - background video not working in some themes
 * Fix - editor not working in firefox
 * Fix - background video not autoplaying in safari
 * Fix - add media function now working correctly

= 0.2.1 =
* 2015-07-14
 * Tweak - improve content display when plugin de-activated
 * Tweak - more PHP 5.2.4 support
 * Fix - disable parallax for mobile devices to fix freezing pages on iOS
 * Fix - errors caused by servers running PHP 5.2.4

= 0.2.0 =
* 2015-07-10
 * Tweak - improved column gutter settings
 * Tweak - add slider field type to content edit panel
 * Tweak - global function pootlepb_stringify_attributes
 * Tweak - hard uninstall ( deleting pb data ) now a choice not compulsion
 * Tweak - content edit panel and row settings panel tabbing fields now based on index of tab
 * Tweak - content edit panel and row settings panel allow tabbing with priority settings
 * Tweak - content block attributes now filtered by pootlepb_content_block_attributes
 * Tweak - smart titles can now be changed by pootlepb_admin_content_block_title event on html
 * Tweak - content edit panel tabs now filtered by pootlepb_content_block_tabs
 * Tweak - content edit panel fields filtered by pootlepb_content_block_fields support new 'tab' key
 * Tweak - dynamic action hooks for content edit panel tabs pootlepb_content_block_{$tab}_tab
 * Tweak - row settings panel tabs now filtered by pootlepb_row_settings_tabs
 * Tweak - row settings panel fields filtered by pootlepb_row_settings_fields support new 'tab' key
 * Tweak - dynamic action hooks for row settings panel tabs pootlepb_row_settings_{$tab}_tab
 * Fix - WooCommerce Products item in main nav disappearing

= 0.1.1 =
* 2015-07-08
* Tweak - add new plugin icon (for
* Tweak - optimization of multiple classes and operations for enhanced performance
* Fix - showing message in edit area before content blocks being displayed
* Fix - page defaulting back to page builder after being used as a page with default editor
* Fix - issue with color picker not updating in content block style options

= 0.1 =
* 2015-07-06
* Initial release. It's alive!


The aim of pootle page builder is to help you create compelling WordPress pages more easily. We hope you like it.







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