Version : 0.2.0
A utility to check netcdf files to the UGRID specification.
It tests files against the UGRID conformance rules, and can also produce a summary of the mesh content of a file.
- Installation
- Command Line : checking
- Command Line : structure analysis
- List of Conformance Rules and codes
- Limitations
- Python API
- Runtime Requirements
- Known Issues
- Raising Issues
- Changelog
Available on PyPI and conda-forge.
To install:
> pip install ugrid-checks
> conda create -n ugrid_checker ugrid-checks
$ ugrid-checker -h
usage: ugrid-checker [-h] [-q] [-i IGNORE] [-e] [-d MAX_DATASIZE] [-s] [--nonmesh] [-v] [file]
Check a netcdf-CF file for conformance to the UGRID conventions.
positional arguments:
file File to check.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q, --quiet don't print a checking report if there were no problems
-i IGNORE, --ignore IGNORE
a list of errorcodes to ignore.
-e, --errorsonly ignore all warnings ("Axxx"= advise codes), and only report errors ("Rxxx"= require codes).
-d MAX_DATASIZE, --max-datasize MAX_DATASIZE
maximum array-size, above which variable-data checks are skipped. Default=200.0 (Mb).
-s, --summary print a summary of UGRID mesh information found in the file
--nonmesh include a list of non-mesh variables in the summary
-v, --version print version information
$ ugrid-checker
UGRID conformance checks complete.
No problems found.
$ ugrid-checker
UGRID conformance checks complete.
List of checker messages :
*** FAIL R106 : Mesh variable "topology" attribute 'face_coordinates' refers to a variable "longitude", but there is no such variable in the dataset.
*** FAIL R108 : Mesh variable "topology" has face_coordinates="latitude longitude", which is not a list of variables in the dataset.
... WARN A304 : Mesh connectivity variable "edge_nodes" of mesh "topology" has a '_FillValue' attribute, which should not be present on a "edge_node_connectivity" connectivity.
Total of 3 problems logged :
2 Rxxx requirement failures
1 Axxx advisory recommendation warnings
The -e
/ --errorsonly
option checks only against the requirements (aka "errors"),
and skips the recommendations (aka "warnings").
The -i
/ --ignore
option skips particular checks according to their Axxx/Rxxx codes.
See List of codes.
$ ugrid-checker --errorsonly --ignore r106,r108
Ignoring codes:
R106, R108
UGRID conformance checks complete.
No problems found.
The -s
/ --summary
option prints a summary of a file's mesh content.
$ ugrid-checker --summary --quiet
File mesh structure
coordinates : "node_lat", "node_lon"
face_node_connectivity : "face_nodes"
coordinates : "latitude", "longitude"
Mesh Data Variables
mesh : "topology"
location : "face"
All the error/warning codes used are defined in the UGRID conformance rules. Each has an identifying code : "Rxxx" for requirements or "Axxx" for advisory rules.
See the list here : UGRID Draft Conformance Rules
Note : these are currently only available in this preliminary draft version, not yet accepted into the UGRID spec.
The draft conformance rules do not currently cover 3-d meshes, so neither does the checker code.
There is also an ongoing discussion whether it is needed to "fix" this feature, or even to remove it in a future release of UGRID.
See this developer discusssion.
Alternatively, this can be added in future.
The checker is provided as an importable module "ugrid_checks".
Running the module directly calls the command-line interface,
e.g. $ python -m ugrid_checks
is the same as $ ugrid-checker
Within Python, the module can be used like this :
>>> from ugrid_checks.check import check_dataset
>>> print(check_dataset.__doc__)
Run UGRID conformance checks on a file.
Optionally print a result summary.
Optionally ignore errors below a logging level.
Returns a checker object with a file analysis and checking log records.
file : string, Path or :class:`NcFileSummary`
path to, or representation of a netcdf input file
print_summary : bool, default=True
print a results summary at the end
omit_advisories : bool, default False
If set, log only 'requirements' Rxxx statements, and ignore the
advisory 'Axxx' ones.
ignore_codes : list(str) or None, default None
A list of error codes to ignore.
max_data_mb : float, default 200.0
A rough size threshold (in Mb), beyond which we will skip data checks.
Set to 0 for no checking, or -1 for no size limit.
checker : Checker
A checker for the file.
>>> checker = check_dataset('', print_summary=False)
>>> type(checker)
<class 'ugrid_checks.check.Checker'>
>>> print(checker.checking_report())
UGRID conformance checks complete.
List of checker messages :
... WARN A304 : Mesh connectivity variable "edge_nodes" of mesh "topology" has a '_FillValue' attribute, which should not be present on a "edge_node_connectivity" connectivity.
Total of 1 problems logged :
0 Rxxx requirement failures
1 Axxx advisory recommendation warnings
>>> print(checker.structure_report())
coordinates : "node_lat", "node_lon"
face_node_connectivity : "face_nodes"
coordinates : "latitude", "longitude"
Mesh Data Variables
mesh : "topology"
location : "face"
For the time being, there is no built API documentation : Please refer to code docstrings for more detail.
- Python >= 3.8
- netCDF4
- none known
Please create an issue in :
TODO: move to separate file ?
- release 2022-02-27
- #36 fix to A304
allow face-node-connectivity to have a _FillValue, as this is used for flexible 2d meshes.
- #36 fix to A304
- release 2022-02-27
- release 2022-02-09