When distributing software it is a legal requirement to also distribute the licenses for that software. Licenses Assemble checks the licenses of project dependencies (via clojure.tools....) and
Download from https://github.com/practicalli/licenses-assemble
Run the greet function via :exec-fn
$ clojure -X:greet
Hello, Clojure!
Run the greet function with arguments, overriding the name to be greeted:
$ clojure -X:greet :name '"Someone"'
Hello, Someone!
Run the -main
function of the project via :main-opts
(-m practicalli.licenses-assemble
$ clojure -M:main
Hello, World!
Run the -main
function of the project with arguments, overriding the name to be greeted:
$ clojure -M:main Via-Main
Hello, Via-Main!
Run the project's tests (they'll fail until you edit them):
$ clojure -T:build test
this fails, probably because I renamed the aliases
Run the project's CI pipeline and build an uberjar (this will fail until you edit the tests to pass):
$ clojure -T:build ci
This will produce an updated pom.xml
file with synchronized dependencies inside the META-INF
directory inside target/classes
and the uberjar in target
. You can update the version (and SCM tag)
information in generated pom.xml
by updating build.clj
If you don't want the pom.xml
file in your project, you can remove it. The ci
task will
still generate a minimal pom.xml
as part of the uber
task, unless you remove version
from build.clj
Run that uberjar:
$ java -jar target/licenses-assemble-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
If you remove version
from build.clj
, the uberjar will become target/licenses-assemble-standalone.jar
Copyright © 2022 Practicalli
Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International