A PTM-Aware Protein Language Model with Bidirectional Gated Mamba Blocks
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Figure generated by Dalle-3 with prompt "A PTM-Aware Protein Language Model with Bidirectional Gated Mamba Blocks".
Setting up env for mamba could be a pain, alternatively, we suggest using docker containers.
docker run --gpus all -v $(pwd):/workspace -d -it --name plm_benji nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:23.12-py3 /bin/bash && docker attach plm_benji
mkdir /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/ -p; wget -O /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/esm2_t33_650M_UR50D.pt https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fair-esm/models/esm2_t33_650M_UR50D.pt
cd protein_lm/modeling/models/libs/ && pip install -e causal-conv1d && pip install -e mamba && cd ../../../../
pip install transformers datasets accelerate evaluate pytest fair-esm biopython deepspeed wandb
pip install torch_geometric
pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-2.0.0+cu117.html
pip install -e .
pip install hydra-core --upgrade
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
pip install -e protein_lm/tokenizer/rust_trie
We collect protein sequences and their PTM annotations from Uniprot-Swissprot. The PTM annotations are represented as tokens and used to replace the corresponding amino acids. The data can be downloaded from here. Please place the data in protein_lm/dataset/
. Additionally, if you care about the source and how it's been processed, we open the data preprocessing code at ./ptm_data_preprocessing
. You can reproduce the extract same data from there.
The training and testing configs are in protein_lm/configs
. We provide a basic training config at protein_lm/configs/train/base.yaml
python ./protein_lm/modeling/scripts/train.py +train=base
The command will use the configs in protein_lm/configs/train/base.yaml
We use Distributed training with 🤗 Accelerate (huggingface.co).
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 accelerate launch --num_processes=8 --multi_gpu protein_lm/modeling/scripts/train.py +train=base train.report_to='wandb' train.training_arguments.per_device_train_batch_size=256 train.training_arguments.use_esm=True train.training_arguments.save_dir='ckpt/ptm_mamba' train.model.model_type='bidirectional_mamba' train.training_arguments.max_tokens_per_batch=40000
tracks the training using wandb.training_arguments.per_device_train_batch_size=300
sets the max batch size per device when constructing a batch.training_arguments.max_tokens_per_batch=80000
sets the max num of tokens within a batch. If a batch exceeds the max token limit(depending on the seq len), we will trim the batch. Tune theper_device_train_batch_size
togather to maximize the memory usage during training. The rule of thumb is setting a large batch size (e.g., 300) while searching for the max num token that fits your GPU memory.training_arguments.use_esm=True
uses the ESM embedding. By default, we use ESM 650M, and set themodel.esm_embed_dim: 1280
. If disabled, the model will use its own embeddings.training_arguments.save_dir='ckpt/bi_directional_mamba-esm'
where the model ckpts will be saved.training_arguments.sample_len_ascending=true
is enable by default, samples sequences from short to long during the training.
Setup deepspeed with
accelerate config
and answer the questions asked. It will ask whether you want to use a config file for DeepSpeed to which you should answer no. Then answer the following questions to generate a basic DeepSpeed config. Use ZeRo 2 and FP32, which are sufficient for training our ~300M model without introducing overhead. This will generate a config file that will be used automatically to properly set the default options when launching training.
The inference example is at protein_lm/modeling/scripts/infer.py.
The model checkpoints can be downloaded from here. The outputs are:
Output = namedtuple("output", ["logits", "hidden_states"])
from protein_lm.modeling.scripts.infer import PTMMamba
ckpt_path = "ckpt/bi_mamba-esm-ptm_token_input/best.ckpt"
mamba = PTMMamba(ckpt_path,device='cuda:0')
seq = "M<N-acetylalanine>K"
output = mamba(seq)
This project is based on the following codebase. Please give them a star if you like our code.
Please cite our paper if you enjoy our code :)
@article {Peng2024.02.28.581983,
author = {Zhangzhi Peng and Benjamin Schussheim and Pranam Chatterjee},
title = {PTM-Mamba: A PTM-Aware Protein Language Model with Bidirectional Gated Mamba Blocks},
elocation-id = {2024.02.28.581983},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.1101/2024.02.28.581983},
publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
URL = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2024/02/29/2024.02.28.581983},
eprint = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2024/02/29/2024.02.28.581983.full.pdf},
journal = {bioRxiv}