Defines a loan package scope specification and p8e smart contracts that can be executed against it.
git clone
cd loan-package-contracts/
./gradlew clean build --refresh-dependencies
See here for more details on the p8e tasks.
The following command will put the contracts into an object store:
./gradlew p8eClean p8eCheck p8eBootstrap
In order for the bootstrapping to succeed, the following environment variables will need to be defined:
OS_GRPC_URL # The URL to your object store that will store the contracts
PROVENANCE_GRPC_URL # The URL to the Provenance instance the contracts will run against
CHAIN_ID # The ID of the chain - use chain-local locally and pio-testnet-1 for the test environment
For local development, you can quickly get necessary Docker containers running and said environment values populated by using p8e-scope-sdk/dev-tools:
git clone
cd p8e-scope-sdk/dev-tools/compose/
docker compose up -d
source ./host.env
cd /PathToYour/loan-package-contracts
./gradlew p8eBootstrap
To publish to your machine's local Maven repository, use
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal -xsignMavenPublication
This project uses Ktlint.
To immediately view linting errors, use
./gradlew clean ktlintCheck
To generate linting reports, use
./gradlew ktlintCheck
To have the linter try to update your code to fit the linting rules, use
./gradlew ktlintFormat