Prowler 2.10.0 - Flight Of Icarus
Fly on your way, like an eagle
Fly as high as the sun
On your way, like an eagle
Fly, touch the sun
Flight of Icarus is a song of Iron Maiden released in 1983 as part of their Piece of Mind album. There are some amazing guitar solos in this song and it is so good, watch the video and enjoy it like this new version here:
Image copyright by Iron Maiden
Important changes in this version (read this!):
- Now you can manage the Allow list feature using DynamoDB instead of just a text plain file.
- 7 new checks available for CodeBuild, EMR and Lambda:
7.174 [extra7174] CodeBuild Project last invoked greater than 90 days - codebuild [High]
7.175 [extra7175] CodeBuild Project with an user controlled buildspec - codebuild [High]
7.176 [extra7176] EMR Cluster without Public IP - emr [Medium]
7.177 [extra7177] Publicly accessible EMR Cluster - emr [High]
7.178 [extra7178] EMR Account Public Access Block enabled - emr [High]
7.179 [extra7179] Check Public Lambda Function URL - lambda [High]
7.180 [extra7180] Check Lambda Function URL CORS configuration - lambda [Medium]
New features:
- feat(new): New checks for lambda functions URL by @jfagoagas in #1148
- feat(new): New checks for CodeBuild and EMR added by @0xDivyanshu in #1112
- feat(emr): New check BlockPublicAccessConfiguration for EMR by @jfagoagas in #1120
- feat(new): New custom check extra9999 to build a custom check on the fly by @sectoramen in #1103
- feat(assume-role): Properly handle External ID variable by @chrisdlangton in #1128
- feat(dynamodb_allowlist): Support DynamoDB tables ARN for allowlist input by @sergargar in #1118
- feat(group7): Include extra7178 by @jfagoagas in #1121
- feat(contrib): Serverless multi account Prowler with SecurityHub Integration by @MorlaxAR in #1113
- feat(actions): Upload Prowler containers to registries by @jfagoagas in #1132
- feat(util): K8s cronjob sample files by @charles-josiah in #1140
- Update CloudFormation template for CodeBuild by @jplock in #1114
- Updated multi-org ProwlerRole.yaml to match current Prowler additions policy by @ChrisGoKim in #1123
- docs(k8s-integration): Beautify README by @1vicente in #1153
- fix(checks): Handle AWS Gov Cloud regions #1160
- fix(check): check_extra7113: Fix wrong listing of RDS instances in regions without databases by @Sinnohd in #1124
- fix(custom-file-in-bucket): Custom file names are also support for S3 output. by @sergargar in #1129
- fix(copyToS3): Upload to S3 only when indicated. by @sergargar in #1134
- fix(actions): tag and push by @jfagoagas in #1142
- fix(readme): Fix correct permissions for DynamoDB allowlist. by @sergargar in #1147
- fix(actions): Ignore changes on Readme by @jfagoagas in #1149
- fix(timestamp): Timestamp to date casting issues solved by @n4ch04 in #1154
- fix(IllegalLocationConstraintException): Recover bucket policy using the right region endpoint by @jfagoagas in #1155
- fix(BucketLocation): Recover bucket policy using the right region endpoint by @jfagoagas in #1156
- fix(remediation): Fix empty remediation fields for checks 7164, 7144 and 7163 by @jfagoagas in #1157
New Contributors
- @0xDivyanshu made their first contribution in #1112
- @jplock made their first contribution in #1114
- @Sinnohd made their first contribution in #1124
- @ChrisGoKim made their first contribution in #1123
- @MorlaxAR made their first contribution in #1113
- @chrisdlangton made their first contribution in #1128
- @charles-josiah made their first contribution in #1140
- @1vicente made their first contribution in #1153
Full Changelog: 2.9.0...2.10.0