This is the main website for a pledge to stop supporting Python 2 for free in open source software.
Install Jekyll : gem install jekyll
, gem install github-pages
Clone this locally, cd
in the newly created directory.
Run jekyll serve -w
in one terminal, open your browser to localhost:4000
Modify the various files, refresh your browser and enjoy.
PRs welcomed.
If you just want to add your project to the list of participating projects, add a line in the list of participating projects. It's markdown so feel free to just list your project name or add a link, and make a pull request. You should even be able to edit it online.
The front page also has a timeline chart, with past release dates and future (planned) releases. You can also add your project there, if you have a specific date where you plan to drop Python 2 support.
See site.js around line 100 to see how to add this kind of data.
This site is based on