@zookinheimer's masterpiece. Gonna fill in the blanks and/or add tooling.
- Install
# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/pythoninthegrass/lunch.git
# change directory
cd lunch/
# install dependencies
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# run program
python main.py
# quit program
ctrl + c
# create virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
# activate virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# install dependencies
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Additional tooling includes but is not limited to:
- Install asdf
- Usage
# add python plugin asdf plugin-add python # install stable python asdf install python <latest|3.11.11> # set stable to system python asdf global python latest # add poetry asdf plugin asdf plugin-add poetry https://github.com/asdf-community/asdf-poetry.git # install latest version via asdf asdf install poetry <latest|2.0.1> # set latest version as default asdf global poetry latest
- Install poetry if not using
- Usage
# use venv in repo poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true # install dependencies poetry install # add new dependency poetry add <package> # remove dependency poetry remove <package> # activate virtual environment poetry shell # run program python main.py # exit virtual environment exit
- Install vscode
- Setup vscode settings
- Handles debug settings for generic python programs as well as others (e.g., django, flask, etc.)
- Dev Containers
- Command palette (⇧⌘P) > Dev Containers: Reopen in Container
- F5 for debug
- May need to select interpreter (e.g.,
) first
- May need to select interpreter (e.g.,
- Installed via
- Add VSCode plugin for ruff
- Optional: disable pylance in favor of ruff in repo settings
"python.analysis.ignore": [ "*" ],
- Optional: disable pylance in favor of ruff in repo settings
- Usage
# run linter ruff check <.|main.py> # `--fix` arg to use a one-liner # run linter and fix issues ruff fix . # run tests ruff # run tests with coverage ruff --coverage # run tests with coverage and open in browser ruff --coverage --open
# install pre-commit dev dependency
poetry install
# install pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install
# update
pre-commit autoupdate
Handles formatting of files. Install the editorconfig plugin for your editor of choice.
- Dependabot is a GitHub tool that automatically creates pull requests to keep dependencies up to date.
- Build
- justfile -> taskfile
- Fix padding between buttons
- Move "logo" to top left of container
- Package
- Web
- Fly.io
- Self-host
- Desktop Tauri
- macOS
- Linux
- Windows
- Mobile (TBD)
- iOS
- Android
- Web
- Test
- Unit tests
- Integration tests
- E2E tests
- Docker
- GitHub Actions
- semver
- Lint
- Format
- Run tests
- Build
- ArgoCD / Flux
- Extend
- sqlite ->
postgresLitestream / Turso - Fancy category
- Images
- Menus
- API calls to Yelp, Google, etc.
- Tinder swipe right/left mechanic hehehe
- sqlite ->
- Document