CRASHS is a surface-based modeling and groupwise registration pipeline for the human medial temporal lobe (MTL). It can be used to perform groupwise analysis of pointwise measures in the MTL, such as cortical thickness, longitudinal volume change, functional MRI activation, microstructure, etc. It uses similar principles to whole-brain surface-based analysis pipelines like FreeSurfer and CRUISE, but restricted to the MTL region. CRASHS is used to postprocess the results of ASHS segmentation with certain ASHS atlases.
Some of the newer ASHS atlases include the white matter label, which is used by CRASHS. For other ASHS atlases, CRASHS can paint in the white matter label using nnU-Net. CRASHS uses the CRUISE technique implemented in the NighRes software to fit the white matter segmentation with a surface of spherical topology, and find a series of surfaces spanning between the gray/white boundary and the pial surface. The middle surface is inflated and registered to a population template, allowing surface-based analysis of MTL cortical thickness and other measures such as functional MRI and diffusion MRI.
The CRASHS pipeline is described in the supplemental material to our paper in the special issue of Alzheimer's and Dementia on the 20th anniversary of ADNI.
CRASHS requires the nighres
package, which cannot be installed with pip
. To install nighres
, please follow the installation instructions. To our knowledge, the ARM64 architecture (newer Macs) is currently not supported.
Once nighres
is installed, you can install CRASHS:
pip install crashs
python3 -m crashs fit --help
Or, if you want to use the latest development code and install in "editable" mode:
git clone
pip install -e ./crashs
The CRASHS Docker container is available on DockerHub as pyushkevich/crashs:latest
. Use the command below to download the container.
docker pull pyushkevich/crashs:latest
If you are using newer Mac with the ARM processor, you may need to use the -platform
flag to download the container:
docker pull --platform linux/amd64 pyushkevich/crashs:latest
Before using CRASHS, you will need to download the templates and pretrained models from this link:
Download and extract the archive and set the environment variable CRASHS_DATA
to point to the folder in which you extract the archive.
cp ~/Downloads/crashs_template_package_20240830.tgz /my/crashs/folder
cd /my/crashs/folder
tar -zxvf crashs_template_package_20240830.tgz
export CRASHS_DATA=/my/crashs/folder/crashs_template_package_20240830
We recommend adding the line above that sets the CRASHS_DATA
environment variable to your .bashrc
, .bash_profile
or .zshrc
file, depending on what shell you use. Alternatively, you can invoke CRASHS below with the -C
switch to provide the path to the templates and models directory.
The main input to the package is the ASHS output folder. Before running CRASHS, you will need to run ASHS on your MRI scans using one of the atlases for which a CRASHS template is available.
CRASHS offers different templates for different ASHS versions. Currently, the following templates are provided:
ashs_pmc_t1: Template for the T1-weighted MRI version of ASHS T1-ASHS using the ASHS-PMC-T1 atlas. We recommend using the 2023 ASHS-PMC-T1 atlas with the white matter label. However, you can also provide segmentations created using the original ASHS-PMC-T1 atlas and the white matter label will be added to the existing segmentation automatically, using nnUNet.
ashs_pmc_alveus: Template for the high-resolution oblique coronal T2-weighted MRI version of ASHS. This template should be used with the ASHS PMC atlas. The white matter label will be added to the existing segmentation and extended synthetically over the alveus/fimbria, as described in our ADNI 20th anniversary paper.
A sample dataset is included in the sample_data
folder in the repository. Download it to some folder on your system (we will use /my/crashs/folder/sample_data
for this tutorial).
If using Docker, run the following command to open a command prompt on the container (change /my/crashs/folder
to the right folder).
docker run \
-v your_output_directory:/data \
-v /my/crashs/folder/crashs_template_package_20240830:/package \
-v /my/crashs/folder/sample_data:/data \
-it pyushkevich/crashs:latest /bin/bash
Run this command inside of the container to run CRASHS on the example T1-ASHS segmentation.
python3 -m crashs fit \
-C /package -s right -c corr_usegray \
/sample_data/ashs_pmc_t1/subj01/ashs ashs_pmc_t1 /sample_data/ashs_pmc_t1/subj01/crashs
You should find the output from running CRASHS in folder /my/crashs/folder/sample_data/ashs_pmc_t1/subj01
on your system.
If using CRASHS installed with pip
environment variable has been set as explained above, use the command below to run CRASHS on the on the example T1-ASHS segmentation:
python3 -m crashs fit \
-s right -c corr_usegray \
/my/crashs/folder/sample_data/ashs_pmc_t1/subj01/ashs \
ashs_pmc_t1 \
You should find the output from running CRASHS in folder /my/crashs/folder/sample_data/ashs_pmc_t1/subj01/crashs
Another example in the sample_data
folder can be used to test CRASHS for T2-weighted MRI processed with the ASHS-PMC atlas. It is better to run this example on a machine with an NVidia GPU because a nnU-Net is used by CRASHS to generate the white matter label; otherwise expect it to take 30-60 minutes to complete. If using Docker, include the flag --gpus all
when calling the docker run
command to make the GPU available to the container.
You can run the example in the Docker container like this:
python3 -m crashs fit -C /package -s left -c heur \
/data/ashs_pmc_alveus/subj02/ashs \
ashs_pmc_alveus \
Or using CRASHS pip install like this:
python3 -m crashs fit -s left -c heur \
/my/crashs/folder/sample_data/ashs_pmc_alveus/subj02/ashs \
ashs_pmc_alveus \
The program generates many outputs, but the most useful ones are:
: the grey/white and grey/csf boundaries estimated by thecruise_cortex_extraction
module of NighRes. These meshes are in physical (RAS) coordinate space, not in voxel (IJK) space output by Nighres. If you extract meshes from the T1-ASHS segmentation in ITK-SNAP, those should line up with these meshes. -
: the mid-surface of the gray matter estimated by thevolumetric_layering
module of NighRes. Also in RAS space. -
: the template mesh projected onto the mid-surface surface, also in RAS space. This should have the same geometry as the mid-surface, but the same number of vertices/faces as the template. This mesh will also have scalar arrays for the anatomical label and other features from the template, such as template curvature (useful for visualization). This mesh can be used to map data from subject space (thickness, fMRI, NODDI, etc) into template space for group analysis -
: a mesh with same geometry as the template that has a point arrayVoronoiRadius
containing half-thickness of the gray matter at each vertex. -
: Mean and median half-thickness across gray matter ROIs.
The following files can be used to check how well the fitting between the inflated template mid-surface and the inflated subject mid-surface worked.
: this is the inflated and sub-sampled mid-surface mesh of the subject, affine transformed into the space of the inflated template. Each triangle is associated with an anatomical label. -
: this is the inflated template warped to optimally match the mesh above. The fit is not perfect but should be close. -
: distance statistics of the fitting, including average, max, and 95th percentile of the distance. Useful to check for poor fitting results.
Run python3 -m crashs fit --help
to print the command-line parameters.
One set of parameters is used to specify which ASHS output should be used for fitting the geometrical representation:
-s {left,right}
is used to specify the side of the brain that should be fitted-f {multiatlas,bootstrap}
is used to specify whether to use the ASHS output from the initial multi-atlas stage or the second bootstrap stage. Typically the bootstrap stage segmentation is better (accuracy is higher, on average, in ASHS validation experiments), so the default setting ofbootstrap
should be used.-c {heur,corr_usegray,corr_nogray}
is used to specify which correction mode in ASHS should be used. Theheur
mode does not use any pixel-level machine learning correction and typically corresponds to smoothest shape segmentations. If the data on which you run ASHS is not well matched to the data on which ASHS was trained, it is best to use theheur
option. Thecorr_usegray
mode uses pixel-level machine learning correction, and in our validation experiments, has highest accuracy, but only if the data being segmented is similar to the training data (similar MRI protocol, age, etc.). Finallycorr_nogray
is an intermediate option that is rarely used.
The other parameters you may need to set are -i
(specify the ID of the subject, used as a prefix in CRASHS output files), -d
(specifies the device to use for PyTorch, e.g., cuda0
if you have an NVidia GPU, cpu
otherwise, and -C
(to point to the templates and models folder if you didn't set the CRASHS_DATA
environment variable).
The options starting with --skip
are used to skip certain steps when re-running CRASHS in the same folder. They are mostly used for debugging.
Yushkevich PA, Ittyerah R, Li Y, et al. Morphometry of medial temporal lobe subregions using high-resolution T2-weighted MRI in ADNI3: Why, how, and what's next? Alzheimer's Dement. 2024; 20: 8113–8128.
PA Yushkevich, L Xie, LEM Wisse, et al., Mapping Medial Temporal Lobe Longitudinal Change in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease, 2023 Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC 2023).