Author: Jianxing Feng ([email protected])
TFImpute is a deep learning tool based on Theano to predict TF binding. It differs from previous methods by providing a unique imputation ability. It can do cell type specific TF binding prediction even for TF-cell type combinations not in the training set but either TF or cell type is in the training set.
1. download the genome
git clone https://github.com/qinqian/TFImpute/
cd test
wget -c https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/hg19.fa.gz
gunzip hg19.fa.gz
2. install dependency
mamba create -n tfimpute -c bioconda theano pygpu mkl-service scikit-learn bedtools
conda activate tfimpute
3. set the ~/.theanorc
floatX = float32
device = gpu
preallocate = 0.2
4. Run on test datasets
bash run.sh
This old installation is obsoleted because Theano and bedtools has been updated significantly as time went by.
To use TFImpute, Theano (version 0.7~0.9, python2.7) has to be installed.
git clone http://github.com/Theano/Theano/
cd Theano && sudo python setup.py install
Because the computation involves lots of matrix operations, a GPU server with CUDA library installed is needed to train and test the model in a reasonable amount of time. Append CUDA library into the environment:
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
The input train, valid and test data set of TFImpute all contain 5 columns separated by TABs
<TF>\t<Antibody>\t<Cell>\t<0/1>\t<DNA sequence>
<TF>: The TF name
<Antibody>: The antibody name, currently not used in the model
<Cell>: The cell type name
<0/1>: Whether this is a positive instance (1) or negative instance (0)
<DNA sequence>: A DNA sequence
TF | Antibody | Cell | Binding or not | sequence |
Rad21 | Rad21 | H1-hESC | 0 | AGTCG...TGC |
HDAC1 | HDAC1_(SC-6298) | K562 | 1 | TGCAGAG...GGGAG |
The example data and usage example could be found in test/, to run test example, you need to install bedtools and download hg19 fasta file into the test/.
Once the data is prepared, TFImpute model can be trained and validated as follows:
THEANO_FLAGS="mode=FAST_RUN,exception_verbosity=high,floatX=float32,lib.cnmem=1,device=gpu0" python $tfimpute \
-train train.fa -valid valid.fa -valid2 valid2.fa \
-m 32 -seqLen 300 -mml 20 -e 5 -l 1 -F 500000 -d 0.03 \
-embed 172:50,0:0,91:50 -nm 2000,106,1000 \
-cnn TFImputeModel -M TFImputeModel.model 2>TFImputeModel_encode.log
Standard error has been directed to TFImputeModel_encode.log for selecting the best model.
Command Options | Usage Explanation |
-train | input train data file path, specified during the train phase |
-valid | input valid data file path, this is the valid set for predicting the TF-cell type combination in the train data, specified during the train phase |
-valid2 | input valid2 data file path, this is the valid set2 for predicting the TF-cell type combination not in the train data, specified during the train phase |
-test | test data file path, specified during the test phase |
-m | mini-batch size |
-embed | a0:a1,b0:b1,c0:c1. a,b,c corresponds to column 1,2,3 in the train,valid,test data, 0 means the original word number, 1 means the embedding dimension. e.g.172:50,0:0,91:50 means regardless of antibody, there is 172 TFs, 91 cell types, both of TF and cell types are embedded into 50 dimensions. |
-seqlen | the input sequence length, if column 5th is longer than -seqlen N, the center N bp is extracted |
-mml | motif convolution layer window size |
-nm | dimension of hidden layer, e.g. 2000,106,2000 means motif convolution filter number is 2000, max pooling layer unit number is 106, and full connection layer unit number is 2000. |
-cnn | which model to use, choose from TFImputeModel,TFImputeModelRNN |
-e | how many epochs to run through the training data |
-M | pickled file path of the TFImpute model for prediction and evaluation. A series of models will be generated in the training phase, e.g. -M TFImputeModel.model will generate TFImputeModel.model.1, TFImputeModel.model.2, ..., TFImputeModel.model.N. The best one can be chosen to predict in the test phase. |
-F | how many instances to train before pickling models and evaluating on valid, valid2 data set |
-l | initial learning rate for sgd and adadelta |
-p | prediction output for each instance in the test data file, specified during the test phase |
-ph | for output embedding vectors into matrix, only available with -cnn TFImputeModel |
-d | Learning rate decay of every epoch |
User can select the best model based on the minimum validation loss reported in the training log file.
- To get the prediction for the TF-cell type combination in the training data set, user need to select the model by the minimum valid data set loss.
- To predict on the TF-cell type combination not in the training data set, user need to select the model by the minimum valid2 data set loss.
In the prediction of the test phase, -cnn should be the same as the training phase. For example,
THEANO_FLAGS='device=gpu,exception_verbosity=high,floatX=float32' \
python $tfimpute -test test.fa -m 32 -cnn TFImputeModel -M best_model -p output.prediction 2>>output.prediction.log
A script evaluation.py is provided to test the TFImputeModel or TFImputeModelRNN prediction performance. For each TF-cell type combinations in the test data, the script evaluates the PRAUC/FDR/AUC of the prediction, and labels the evaluations by the column number specified by -c, see the example as following, -c 2 means labeling by antibody:
cut -f 1-4 $Test > $(basename $Test).TFImpute.label
cut -f 1-3 $(basename $Test).TFImpute.label | sort -u > $(basename $Test).TFImpute.uniqcomb
rm -f $(basename $Test).TFImpute.evaluation.fdrNew
rm -f $(basename $Test).TFImpute.evaluation.prauc
while read line; do
paste $(basename $Test).TFImpute.label $prediction | grep "$line" > temp
cut -f 1-4 temp > temp1
cut -f 5- temp > temp2
${TFImputeRoot}/evaluation.py -p temp2 -s temp1 -c 2 -t FDRNew >> $(basename $Test).TFImpute.evaluation.${prediction}.fdrNew
${TFImputeRoot}/evaluation.py -p temp2 -s temp1 -c 2 -t PRAUC >> $(basename $Test).TFImpute.evaluation.${prediction}.prauc
done < <(cut -f 1-3 $(basename $Test).TFImpute.uniqcomb)
evaluateTFImpute test.fa output.prediction
For only -cnn TFImputeModel mode, the program can output the embedding vectors as follows.
THEANO_FLAGS='device=cpu,exception_verbosity=high,floatX=float32' \
python $tfimpute -ph -cnn TFImputeModel -e 10 -M best_model> embedding.output
In embedding.output, Embed_0 means the embeddings for the 1st column, Embed_2 means the embeddings for the 3rd column.
When -cnn is specified as the TFImputeModelRNN, only the 3rd column (cell line) is used for embedding. If you want to test on the embedding on TF, exchange the 1st and 3rd column in the train, valid, valid2, and test data file, and change the parameter of -embed as well.
Imputation for Transcription Factor Binding Prediction Based on Deep Learning (under review)
TFImpute is freely available for non-commercial use. If you may use it for a commercial application, please inquire at [email protected]. By downloading the software you agree to the following EULA.
End User License Agreement (EULA) Your access to and use of the downloadable code (the 'Code') for TFImpute is subject to a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable, and limited right to use the Code for the exclusive purpose of undertaking academic, governmental, or not-for-profit research. Use of the Code or any part thereof for commercial or clinical purposes is strictly prohibited in the absence of a Commercial License Agreement from Jianxing Feng. Please inquire at [email protected]