If you add any new ENV variables, check the scripts/rke/configure.sh will pass them into the container for Jenkins. Running on your own machine, export these variables as needed.
DEBUG defaults to 'false', Prints the output from kubectl and rke commands when 'true'
OS_VERSION defaults to 'ubuntu-16.04', Used to select which image to use
DOCKER_VERSION defaults to '1.12.6', Used to select image to use if DOCKER_INSTALLED is 'true'
DOCKER_INSTALLED defaults to 'true', When false, base image is used for OS_VERSION, and docker version DOCKER_VERSION is installed
DO_ACCESS_KEY no default, your DO access key
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID no default, your AWS access key id
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY no default, your AWS secret access key
AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME no default, the filename of the private key, e.i. jenkins-rke-validation.pem
AWS_CICD_INSTANCE_TAG defaults to 'rancher-validation', Tags the instance with CICD=AWS_CICD_INSTANCE_TAG
AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE defaults to 't2.medium', selects the instance type and size
AWS_REGION no default, the region for your ec2 instances
AWS_SUBNET no default, the subnet for your ec2 instances
AWS_VPC no default, the VPC for your ec2 instances
AWS_SG no default, the SG for your ec2 instances
AWS_ZONE no default, the zone for your ec2 instances
AWS_IAM_PROFILE no default, the IAM profile for your ec2 instances
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID no default, your Azure subscription id
AZURE_CLIENT_ID no default, your app / client id
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET no default, your app / client secret
AZURE_TENANT_ID no default your Azure tenant id, for use with Azure cloud provider
CATTLE_TEST_URL no default. The Rancher server for test execution.
ADMIN_TOKEN no default. Required to create resources during test execution
RANCHER_CLEANUP_CLUSTER default true. Cleans up clusters after test execution
RANCHER_CLEANUP_PROJECT default true. Cleans up projects after test execution
CLUSTER_NAME no default. Some tests allow test resources to be created in a specific cluster. If not provided, tests will default to the first cluster found.
DEFAULT_K8S_IMAGE defaults to 'rancher/k8s:v1.8.7-rancher1-1', defaults the templates service images
DEFAULT_NETWORK_PLUGIN defaults to 'canal', defaults the templates to use the select network plugin
In the Jenkins job parameters PYTEST_OPTIONS can be used to pass additional command line options to pytest like test filtering or run in parallel:
Run tests methods that match 'install_roles' PYTEST_OPTION = -k install_roles
Run in parallel: PYTEST_OPTION = -n auto
Multiple options can be passed in '-k install_roles -n auto'
Currently an issue with Ubuntu-16.04, rancher/rke#316 prevents us from using a AMI where docker is already installed.
At first we tried rebooting in rancher validation/lib/aws.py:
if wait_for_ready:
nodes = self.wait_for_nodes_state(nodes)
# hack for instances
# self.reboot_nodes(nodes)
# time.sleep(5)
# nodes = self.wait_for_nodes_state(nodes)
for node in nodes:
return nodes
After a while I still ran into the issue. If you need to get around this, the setting the ENV variable: DOCKER_INSTALLED=false will instead use the base ubuntu-16.04 image provided by AWS and install the version of docker specificed by DOCKER_VERSION
I added files images/container-utils as tool to test DNS and Intercommunication between pods/containers. It is a simple flask application, but the image also includes cli tools like 'curl', 'dig', and 'ping'
AWS boto3 package docs: https://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/ec2.html
DigitalOcean package docs: https://github.com/koalalorenzo/python-digitalocean
Invoke docs (used to run commands like 'kubectl' and 'rke'): http://docs.pyinvoke.org/en/latest/