A sensible Avl Tree implementation for mruby. - which means you should be sensible when you use it!
- First - get your self some mruby. It tastes great!
git clone git https://github.com/mruby/mruby.git
1.2. Read the recipie and start your preparations.
cd mruby
ruby minirake all test
1.3. Have a taste!
./bin/mruby -e 'p "Hello mruby!!"'
(For the sake of convenience, you might want to add mruby/bin to your path)
- Grab some greens
cd ..
git clone git https://github.com/randym/mruby-avl
2.1 Add the greens to your dish.
vim mruby/build_config.rb
# Use AvlTree class
conf.gem "~/mruby-avl"
(Note, I used ~ there because I cloned mruby-avl to my home directory so be sure to season to taste.)
- Finish the presentation.
cd mruby
ruby minirake clean all test
- Enjoy your meal!
tree = AvlTree.new
tree.insert 'F', 1
tree.insert 'boo', :foo
tree['boo'] => :foo
tree.delete 'F'
# I think you get the flavor!