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Natural language processing library for Apache Spark. It offers the following features:

  • Wraps Stanford CoreNLP, CJ Parser, Allenai PolyParser, and much more
  • All pluggable through a common data model
  • Easy preview of outputs
  • Easy scaling through Spark
  • Annotator outputs stored as columns
  • Incremental processing of annotations
  • Efficient serialization through Kryo

In addition, it offers easy connectivity with the Readr cloud tool:

  • Indices needed by Readr cloud computed in spark, and bulk loaded into Readr cloud
  • Also includes computation for Readr interface features, such as text similarity
  • Can be used in combination with readr-connect


We assume you have sbt 0.13 or higher installed. Start by creating an assembly for readr-spark and directories for our inputs and outputs.

mkdir $HOME/readr
cd $HOME/readr
git clone
cd readr-spark
sbt assembly
mkdir in
mkdir out

This will create a file main/target/scala-2.10/main-assembly-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar that contains the readr-spark with all dependent jars.

Next, you convert your data into a format readable by readr-spark. Create a new sbt project and add the following to build.sbt.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.readr" % "model" % "1.1-SNAPSHOT",
  "com.readr" % "client" % "1.1-SNAPSHOT",
resolvers ++= Seq(
  "Readr snapshots" at "",
  "Readr releases" at ""

You can now write your text documents as follows:

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import com.readr.model.annotation._
import com.readr.client.util.AnnotationSequenceFileWriter

object WriteInput {
  def main(args:Array[String]) {
    val inDir = System.getenv("HOME") + "/readr/in"
    val conf = new Configuration()

    val w = new AnnotationSequenceFileWriter(conf, inDir + "/data.col0.TextAnn")
    for (clazz <- Annotations.annWithDependentClazzes) w.register(clazz)

    w.write(0, TextAnn("This is the first document."))
    w.write(1, TextAnn("This is the second document."))


Make sure you have Spark installed. From the Spark directory, can now start the spark-shell and run a series of processors on our data.

SPARK_MEM=4G bin/spark-shell --master local[2] --jars "$HOME/readr/readr-spark/main/target/scala-2.10/main-assembly-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" --driver-java-options "-Dspark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer -Dspark.kryo.registrator=com.readr.spark.MyRegistrator -Dspark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb=16"

Copy and paste the following commands into spark shell:

val inDir = System.getenv("HOME") + "/readr/in"
val outDir = System.getenv("HOME") + "/readr/out"

implicit val isc = sc

import com.readr.spark._
import com.readr.spark.rr._
import com.readr.spark.stanford34._
import com.readr.spark.other._
import com.readr.spark.frame._

implicit val se = new Schema

val a = read(inDir, se).repartition(2)

val b = annotate(a, new StanfordTokenizer, se)
val c = annotate(b, new StanfordSentenceSplitter, se)
val d = annotate(c, new StanfordSRParser, se)
val e = annotate(d, new StanfordDependencyExtractor, se)
val f = annotate(e, new StanfordPOSTagger, se)
val g = annotate(f, new StanfordLemmatizer, se)
val h = annotate(g, new StanfordNERTagger, se)
val i = annotate(h, new SimpleConstituentExtractor, se)
//val j = annotate(i, new SimpleNERSegmenter, se)
//val k = annotate(j, new StanfordCorefResolver, se)
//val l = annotate(k, new SimpleMentionExtractor, se)
//val m = annotate(l, new MintzLikeFeatureExtractor, se)

val n = i


write(n, outDir, se)

You can also view annotations in the spark-shell; for example, f.first._1 contains the document id for the first document and f.first._2 an array of all annotations up to the PolyParser annotations. f.first._2(7) returns the sentence dependency annotations.

After the files have been written, you can read them in code as follows:

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import com.readr.model.annotation._
import com.readr.client.util.AnnotationSequenceFileReader

object ReadOutput {
  def main(args:scala.Array[String]):Unit = {
    val outDir = System.getenv("HOME") + "/readr/out"
    val conf = new Configuration()
    val r = new AnnotationSequenceFileReader(conf,
      Array(classOf[TextAnn], classOf[SentenceDependencyAnn]),
      outDir + "/data.col0.TextAnn",
      outDir + "/data.col7.SentenceDependencyAnn")
    for (clazz <- Annotations.annWithDependentClazzes) r.register(clazz)

    var t:scala.Tuple2[Long,scala.Array[Any]] = null

    while ({ t =; t != null} ) {
      val id = t._1
      val ta = t._2(0).asInstanceOf[TextAnn]
      val sda = t._2(1).asInstanceOf[SentenceDependencyAnn]


For more information on how to connect with Readr cloud, see these examples. You can build the indexes for Readr cloud as follows

import com.readr.spark.index._, n), n), n), n), n), n), n)

For an alternative pipeline using the Allenai Tools, you can use

import com.readr.spark.allenai._

val b = annotate(a, new FactorieSegmenter, se)
val c = annotate(b, new FactorieTokenizer, se)
val d = annotate(c, new FactoriePOSTagger, se)
val e = annotate(d, new MorphaStemmer, se)
val f = annotate(e, new PolyParser, se)
val g = annotate(f, new com.readr.spark.allenai.SimpleMentionExtractor, se)

Note that you will need to build the readr-spark assembly with allenai enabled in this case. Seeproject/Build.scala.


Natural language processing library for Apache Spark.






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