Warning: This is intended for development on a local machine or a dedicated development server. Do not use it in production as is. Use at your own risk.
This contains the necessary setup and config files to create a docker environment to run Kivitendo. The environment includes an apache web server and a postgres database as well as adminer for database administration and some helper scripts.
It does not however contain Kivitendo itself. Kivitendo has to be set up separately as follows.
$ cd web/
$ git clone https://github.com/kivitendo/kivitendo-erp.git
The entrypoint script creates the webdav directory. Additionally it chowns the user to www-data and sets the group to rw on first container startup.
At minimum it is required to create the kivitendo-erp/config/kivitendo.conf
by copying it from the example.
And to adapt the database server, user and password to match to values set in docker-compose.yml
For the default values from docker-compose.yml
this looks as follows:
host = db
port = 5432
db = kivitendo_auth
user = kivitendo
password = mypass123
For further information refer to the kivitendo documentation: https://github.com/kivitendo/kivitendo-erp/tree/master/doc
The required databases can be created after start up via the Administration login.
If you want to use an existing database you can place database dumps into: db/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
(before startup).
Or you can insert them into the running container using the script: db-insert.sh
Tip: To create a dump from a running container use something like:
$ docker exec docker-dev-kivi_db /usr/bin/pg_dump \
-U kivitendo --create kivitendo > myrealcompany.sql
Adapt ports in docker-compose.yml
as needed.
$ docker-compose up
Web-interface: http://localhost:50110/kivitendo-erp/
Admin-Login (default): admin123