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An elegant changelog generator. follow the Conventional Commits Specification to generate a beautiful and neat change log.
Focus on Elegant/Simple/Efficient/Scalable
- Cross-platform support
- Generation for local/Remote git repositories
- Preset template for generation
- Custom template file
- Conventional Commits Specification Parser
- Generate multiple versions of change logs
- Github Action
- Visual Studio Code extension
$ whatchanged --help
cask install github.com/release-lab/whatchanged
Shell (Mac/Linux)
curl -fsSL https://github.com/release-lab/install/raw/v1/install.sh | bash -s -- -r=release-lab/whatchanged
PowerShell (Windows):
$r="release-lab/whatchanged";iwr https://github.com/release-lab/install/raw/v1/install.ps1 -useb | iex
Github release page (All platforms)
download the executable file and put the executable file to
Build and install from source using Golang (All platforms)
go install github.com/release-lab/whatchanged/cmd/whatchanged
# install package
go get -v -u github.com/release-lab/whatchanged
package main
import (
func main() {
output := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
option := whatchanged.Options{
Version: []string{"HEAD~"}
err := whatchanged.Generate(context.Background(), "/path/to/git/project", output, &option)
if err!=nil{
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