Experiment setup with a single service jpetstore to evaluate user behavior.
compare and compile results of different behaviors with te evaluate behavior toolconfig.template
template of the experiment configurationexecute-all-fuzzy.sh
run all observation tasks with randomized behaviors (executes execute-observation.sh)execute-analysis-ssp.sh
(outdated) analysis for the SSP paper 2017execute-analysis.sh
run application and analysis, uses docker-composeexecute-kieker-analysis.sh
use observed data and analyze it with Kiekerexecute-observation.sh
up to date JPetStore experiment execution, generates user dataexecute-session-reconstruction.sh
tool to fix collected data and add missing session datareconstructor.config
example reconstruction configuration
All scripts share a common configuration file config
directory for the monitoring data. A running collector will store all events in the specified directory or a sub-directory thereof.COLLECTOR
refers to the executable script of an collector service of the https://github.com/research-iobserve/iobserve-analysis projectWORKLOAD_RUNNER
refers to our selenium based workload driver for the JPetStore which can be found in https://github.com/research-iobserve/selenium-workloadsPHANTOM_JS
phantomJs driver for selenium
takes two parameters. The first is a workload specification file and the second an experiment id. If no workload is specified, the script runs without workload driver and the JPetStore can be run interactively. In case a workload is specified, it is also necessary to specify the experiment id. The script assumes the use of phantomJs. However, the workload runner works better with the Chrome driver. If you want to switch, please adjust the script.