This repository contains all the C programs that I have executed in my Design and Analysis of Algorithms course for my 3rd Year of Undergrad in Computer Science at Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru, India in Q4 2022.
Serial No. | C File Name | Description |
1 | 1_towerOfHanoi.c | A C program to implement Tower of Hanoi using recursion. |
2 | 2_binarySearch.c | A program to search for a key element in an array using binary search algorithm. |
3 | 3_mergeSort.c | A C program to sort an array using Merge Sort Algorithm. |
4 | 4_quickSort.c | A C program to sort an array using Quick Sort Algorithm. |
5 | 5_primsAlgorithm.c | A C program to find the Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given graph using Prim's Algorithm. |
6 | 6_kruskalsAlgorithm.c | A C program to find the Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given graph using Kruskal's Algorithm. |
7 | 7_knapSack.c | A C program to solve the 0/1 Knapsack Problem using Dynamic Programming. |
8 | 8_longestCommonSubsequence.c | A C program to find the Longest Common Subsequence of two given strings using Dynamic Programming. |
9 | 9_allPairsShortestPath.c | A C program to find the All Pairs Shortest Path given graph using Floyd's Algorithm. |
10 | 10_travellingSalesmanProblem.c | A C program to find the shortest path that visits each city exactly once and returns to the starting point using Dynamic Programming. |
Serial No. | C File Name | Description |
1 | M_printFactorial.c | Write a C program to find the factorial of a number using Recursion. |
Ensure that you have a C compiler installed on your system.
gcc --version
It should look something like this
If you don't have a C compiler installed, you can download one from here or using your package manager.
- Ubuntu -
sudo apt install gcc
- Arch Linux -
sudo pacman -S gcc
- macOS -
brew install gcc
Additionaly, if you are using Windows, follow the steps specified here.
Clone the repository using the following command:
gh repo clone rexgraystone/daa
git clone
Change the directory to the cloned repository:
cd daa
Compile the C program using the following command:
gcc <C File Name> -o <Output File Name>
Run the program using the following command:
./<Output File Name>
The programs are written in C and compiled using GCC compiler on macOS Ventura 13.0.