RCUE site Wordpress theme based on WP-Bootstrap
Development setup requires nodejs. If you do not already have nodejs and npm installed on your system, please see https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installing-Node.js-via-package-manager for how to install on your distribution.
After ensuring nodejs and npm are available, install Bower globally:
npm install -g bower
Now that Bower is available, we can install the required development components:
bower install
At this point, you should now have a top level components/ folder with all dependencies listed in the bower.json file installed.
The development includes the use of a number of helpful tasks. In order to setup your development environment to allow running of these tasks, you need to install the local nodejs packages declared in package.json
. To do this run:
npm install
This will install all necessary development packages into node_modules/
. At this point, the gruntjs tasks are available for use such as starting a local development server or building the master CSS file.
In development, styling is written and managed through multiple lesscss files. In order to generate a CSS file of all styling, run the build Gruntjs task:
grunt build
This task will compile and minify the lesscss files into a single CSS file located at library/css/bootstrap-custom.min.css