(An initiative by team-!ABHIMANYU for fellow MNNITian's)
keeping an eye,the lack of interconnectivity between students and lack of flow of information,we had try to develop an environment fro students,which will help the to be updated about the various events and opportunitues available for them in their own college.
- PS: please refer to file "abstract(!ABHIMANYU).pdf" for more information about this project.
- website link: http://abhimanyuwoc.epizy.com/index.html
- project github link: https://github.com/rishigarg94/-ABHIMANYU
To run this project on your local host as a host provider:
- 1).download xampp and start apache and mysql from control panel.
- 2). you need to change the hostname, username, password in file named as db.php and auth.php as per your redentials on local host.
- 3).create a database on local host with name"register".
- 4).create a table named "users" in database "register" with following columns in order(id,username,email,password,trn_date,brach,regis,years,cultural,technical,art,swagat,greenclub,spiritual,others)
- 1).install xampp
- 2).create database named register.
- 3).create table with given column names above.
- [HTML]: used for making hyperlink webpages (frontend).
- [CSS]: used for styling the hyperlink webpages.
- [php]: used for backend development.
- [git-hub]: used for connectivity and sharing informations among members of developing team (team-!ABHIMANYU).
contributing team members:
- 1). INITIAL RELEASE Ver 1.0: basic functions are added to website .
This project has copyright issued n name of team !ABHIMANYU.
- 1). for all our seniors and management team of WOC 2.0.
- 2). our mentor Mr.Santanu Banerjee from ECE Btech. final year.