A todo list api just for sharprning my Node.js skills.
Variable | Description | Example |
PORT | On which port to run the app ? | 7000 |
JWT_SECRET | Strong secret string used to encrypt jwt tokens | dfs&5few#%$ |
VERIFICATION_SECRET | String secret string used to encrypt tokens sent in verification email | fds*&534#% |
PASSWORD_RESET_SECRET | Strong secret string used to encrypt tokens sent in reset password email | fsd()ed24d#% |
SENTRY_DSN | Sentry dsn | https://[email protected]/1513113 |
FRONTEND_URL | Front end application url, used to redirect sent mails to front-end | http://localhost:5000 |
SMTP_HOST | SMTP server host | smtp.gmail.com |
SMTP_PORT | SMTP server port | 25 |
SMTP_USER | SMTP server username | rashad |
SMTP_PASS | SMTP server password | 42#%2s@4 |
EMAIL_FROM | When sending email, what is from field ? | [email protected] |
DB_URL | Mongodb url | http://localhost:27017/todoapp |
ENABLE_CORS | Enable cors white listing ? | true |
CORS_WHITELIST | Comma separated urls of cors whitelist | http://example.com,example.com,api.io |
Provide a .env
file in the root directory and run yarn dev
to start the development server
Provide a .env.test
file and run yarn test
You can build the api documentation by running yarn build:docs
This will generate the docs in ./docs
Provide a .env.prod
file in the root directory and run yarn build
After building finished, the build app will be in ./build
Run yarn start
to start the built app.
environment variables.
Run make deploy
If you are using circleci for deployment, then set the above variables in circleci project environment variables.
Proivde a .env.prod
file in the root directory but make sure you do not push the image to docker hub with this file in it, or don't provide it and pass the variables when spinning the container up.
Run docker build . --tag tagname
Development features:
- Scalable folder structure (Fractal Structure).
- Code linters (Eslint).
- API Docs.
- Sentry integration.
- .env files support.
- API tests.
- Continuous integration with Circleci.
- Continuous delevery with Circleci and heroku.
- Docker image.
- User input validation (Joi).
- Security headers (Helmet).
- Login attempts limit (Express Brute).
- Request rate limit (to prevent DDOS attacks) (Express Rate Limit).
App features:
- Access tokens and Refresh tokens
- User signup with email and password.
- User login with email and password.
- User login with Facebook.
- Account verification emails.
- Password recovery emails.
- Create new todo.
- List todo.
- Trash todo.
- Untrash todo.
- Delete todo permenantly.
- Complete todo.
- Graphql API