The LightStep distributed tracing library for C++.
$ mkdir .build
$ cd .build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
To initialize the LightStep library in particular, either retain a reference to
the LightStep opentracing::Tracer
implementation and/or set the global
like so:
#include <lightstep/tracer.h>
using namespace lightstep;
int main() {
// Initialize the LightStep Tracer; see lightstep::LightStepTracerOptions for
// tuning, etc.
LightStepTracerOptions options;
options.access_token = "YourAccessToken";
auto tracer = MakeLightStepTracer(options);
// Optionally set the opentracing global Tracer to the above.
return 0;
For instrumentation documentation, see the opentracing-cpp docs.