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Tutorial: Adding a New Type of Robot to Quad SDK
Users can add a new robot to Quad-SDK by adding a number of files describing their robot. Unitree A1 and Ghost Spirit 40 are currently supported and can be used as examples when adding a new robot.
In the /quad_simulator
package, modify the following:
- Add a
folder which contains sdf and urdf to be loaded by Gazebo and RBDL. To enable the quadruped to work with the existing codes, the name of joints and links should be in the order of:-
- 8 → hip0 → 0 → upper0 → 1 → lower0 → jtoe0 → toe0
- 9 → hip1 → 2 → upper1 → 3 → lower1 → jtoe1 → toe1
- 10 → hip2 → 4 → upper2 → 5 → lower2 → jtoe2 → toe2
- 11 → hip3 → 6 → upper3 → 7 → lower3 → jtoe3 → toe3
where 0-11
are actuator joints and jtoe<0-3>
are fixed joints. All the rest are links. The legs are in the sequence of: front left, rear left, front right and rear right. The names of collision plugin for toes have to be toe<0-3>_collision
We recommend to change xacro files and generate the sdf and urdf through
rosrun xacro xacro --inorder -o urdf/<robot_name>.urdf xacro/robot.xacro DEBUG:=false
gz sdf -p urdf/<robot_name>.urdf > sdf_mesh/<robot_name>.sdf
In the /quad_utils
package, modify the following:
- Add a
file based on the robot's actual parameters
In the /quad_utils/launch
package, modify the following:
- Add case to use robot_name_description files in
<group if="$(eval arg('robot_type') == '<robot_name>')">
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find quad_utils)/config/<robot_name>.yaml" />
<param name="robot_description_sdf" textfile="$(find <robot_name>_description)/sdf_mesh/<robot_name>.sdf" />
<param name="robot_description" command="cat $(find <robot_name>_description)/urdf/<robot_name>.urdf" />
Most launch files default to robot_type:=spirit
. When calling any launch file with robot_type as an argument, change it to: robot_type:=<robot_name>
Successful completion of steps 1 and 2 can be tested by launching the simulator
roslaunch quad_utils quad_gazebo.launch robot_type:="<robot_name>"
Robot should drop into environment in sitting position.
- Install Matlab
- Ensure Matlab's "Symbolic Math Toolbox" is included in installation
- Install Casadi for Matlab (https://web.casadi.org/get/)
- Download files from quad-sdk/nmpc_controller/scripts/
- Change
on line 36 in main.m to your <robot_name>
- Change
- Run matlab scripts to generate custom NMPC files
- Upload generated .cpp files to
- eval_g_<robot_name>.cpp
- eval_hess_g_<robot_name>.cpp
- eval_jack_g_<robot_name>.cpp
- Upload generated .h files to
- eval_g_<robot_name>.h
- eval_hess_g_<robot_name>.h
- eval_jack_g_<robot_name>.h
- Add references to newly generated nmpc files
- Add to add_library(…) list in
- Add include statements in
- Add to add_library(…) list in
- In
- add ROBOT_NAME to
enum SystemID { }
- modify
static const int num_sys_id_
to match number of elements inenum SystemID { }
- add ROBOT_NAME to
- In
- Add case to
switch (robot_id_)
string and default_systemSystemID
- Ensure case number matches order in
enum SystemID { }
list from quad_nlp.h
- Add case to
- In
- load basic leg controller functions for the Robot_NAME platform
- Add case for
== “robot_name” to settype
- Create custom hardware interface
- Save as
- Save as
- Add call to custom hardware interface
hardware_interface_ = std::make_shared<RobotNameInterface>
- Add interface files to
- Add include statements for interface files in
Successful completion of steps 1-6 can be tested by launching the simulator and standing the robot
# Launch simulator
roslaunch quad_utils quad_gazebo.launch robot_type:="<robot_name>"
# Stand robot
rostopic pub /robot_1/control/mode std_msgs/UInt8 "data: 1"
# Walk with global planner
roslaunch quad_utils quad_plan.launch robot_type:="<robot_name>"
If the robot model is not working correctly in simulation, tune the robot's parameters in /quad_utils/config/<robot_name>.yaml
and the desired_height
parameter in /local_planner/local_planner.yaml