A repository for creating a docker container including bliss (https://www.blisshq.com)
Latest versions:
You can invite me a beer if you want ;)
This is a completely funcional Docker image with Bliss HQ.
Based on Alpine Linux, which provides a very small size.
Tested and working on Synology and QNAP, but should work on any x86_64 devices.
- Map any local port to 3220 for web access
- Map any local port to 3221 (used for bliss internal web server)
- Map a local volume to /config (Stores configuration data)
- Map a local volume to /music (This is the directory wher you should put your music for bliss to scan)
NOTE: In order to migrate from the old container, you need to enter the local directory you are mapping to /config, create a ".bliss" directory on it and move all files and directories to this directory. This container fixes persitent data. With the older container it didn't work.
Sample run command:
docker run -d --name=bliss \
-v /share/Container/bliss:/config \
-v /share/MyMusic:/music \
-e PGID=0 -e PUID=0 \
-e TZ=Europe/Madrid \
-p 3220:3220 \
-p 3221:3221 \