- provide fading action bar with recyclerview
- parallax header
- similar spacing between elements
dependencies {
compile 'pro.useit.recyclerview:easyrecycler:1.0.8'
compile 'com.android.support:cardview-v7:21.0.3'//cause requered RecyclerView and Layout Managers
#####Use ParallaxRecyclerAdapter [see example][1] [1]:https://github.com/rovkinmax/easyrecycler/blob/master/app/src/main/java/pro/useit/paralaxrecycleradapter/ExampleAdapter.java
#####Use SpacesItemDecoration similar spacing between the elements even in the grid
int spanCount = 3;
int dividerWidth = 10;//widht in pixels
final SpacesItemDecoration itemDecoration = new SpacesItemDecoration(deviderWidth, spanCount);
#####Use GridLayoutManager with header
ParallaxRecyclerAdapter adapter = //some implements of ParallaxRecyclerAdapter
HeaderGridLayoutManager layoutManager = new HeaderGridLayoutManager(adapter, spanCount, HeaderGridLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false);
##Known issue
- add/remove/dynamycally resize element
- orientation changes
Copyright (c) 2015 Rovkin Max
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0