A client library for the https://github.com/coreos/etcd project.
Usage of the library is simple and it returns a map of data the same as the json returned by etcd.
[clj-etcd "0.1.3"]
Require the library
user=> (require '[clj-etcd.core :as etcd])
Define an instance to connect to, here we will just use a local instance of etcd.
user=> (def base-url "http://localhost:4001")
All functions in clj-etcd require the base-url as the first parameter.
user=> (etcd/set! base-url "my/key" "my-value")
{:action "set",
:key "/my/key",
:value "my-value",
:modifiedIndex 271}
clj-etcd also supports all of the set options as optional keys - valid options are :ttl, :prev-val, :prev-index and :prev-exist.
user=> (etcd/set! base-url "my/key" "my-value" :ttl 100)
{:action "set",
:key "/my/key",
:prevValue "my-value",
:value "my-value",
:expiration "2013-11-27T16:43:06.005677156+11:00",
:ttl 100,
:modifiedIndex 272}
user=> (etcd/set! base-url "my/key" "my-new-value" :prev-val "my-value")
{:action "compareAndSwap",
:key "/my/key",
:prevValue "my-value",
:value "my-new-value",
:modifiedIndex 273}
We use the ls
function to list the value of a key.
user=> (etcd/ls base-url "my/key")
{:action "get",
:key "/my/key",
:value "my-new-value",
:modifiedIndex 275}
This also works on directories.
user=> (etcd/ls base-url "my")
{:action "get",
:key "/my",
:dir true,
:kvs [{:key "/my/key", :value "my-new-value", :modifiedIndex 275}
{:key "/my/deep", :dir true, :modifiedIndex 274}],
:modifiedIndex 271}
We can test the existence of a key and whether this key is a directory.
user=> (etcd/set! base-url "my/deep/key" :bam)
{:action "set",
:key "/my/deep/key",
:value ":bam",
:modifiedIndex 274}
user=> (etcd/exists? base-url "my/deep/key")
user=> (etcd/exists? base-url "my/deeper/key")
user=> (etcd/dir? base-url "my/deep/key")
user=> (etcd/dir? base-url "my/deep")
We can also wait on a change for a key, this also support the :recursive optional parameter. The future will have the map data when it is dereferenced (when an update is made to that key).
user=> (etcd/wait base-url "some/key")
#<core$future_call$reify__6267@43e3cae: :pending>
This is a simple leiningen project, a lein compile
should do or a lein install
to get it into your local repo.
A lein test
will run the unit tests.
Copyright © 2013 Ryan Thomas
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.