Compress a colored image using PCA, then visualize the compresses image
Decompress the compressed image and visualize it
1- Load the image and convert it to a NumPy array
2- Image Pre-proccessing and Normalization:
-Reshape the image
-calculate mean and standard deviation for image Standardization
3- PCA Impelementation From Scratch:
* 1- calculate the image mean
* 2- calculate the coveriance of the image
* 3- Calculate the standard Deviation
* 4- Calculate Eigenvalues and EigenVetors then sort them to get the maximum eigenvalue.
4- Project the image array:
-determine the number of PCA Components
-subtract the image array from image mean
-get the dot product of image projected and sorted eigenvectors
5- Compress The Projected image
6- Decompress the compressed image array:
-Project the decompressed image array back onto the original image space
-Add the mean back to the decompressed image array
-Convert the decompressed image array back to a NumPy array
7- Ploting of The Original, Compressed, and Decompressed images.