A telegram channel that provides information on the latest share market news, upcoming stocks, issues, and investment opportunities announced inside Nepal.

A channel that publishes the latest news & upcoming stocks related to IPOs
, FPOs
, Mutual Funds
, Right Shares
& Debentures
and reminds us to apply them. It is backed by a telegram-bot
that does all the heavy lifting i.e. from scraping share-related news from the reputed websites to updating with the latest upcoming issues. The upcoming stocks are fetched from an API and published to this telegram channel, whereas articles are scraped from multiple sources. The most important works are carried out by github actions which run these workflows every day at an appointed time frame to check if there are any new issues or articles available, where I don't need to worry about deploying and cron jobs. As an automation-loving guy, I just saved myself many clicks of sharesansar
, bizmandu
, merolagani
, or any other similar portals we get these updates from.
- Informs about upcoming issues
- Announces when shares are allotted to the general public
- Share market and stock-related news from reputed sites
- Reminds to apply for stocks beforehand
- Python 3 or higher
- Github Account
- Telegram Account
- SQLite Database
- Requests: HTTP Requests
- BeautifulSoup: Web Scraping
- Pillow: Python Imaging Library
- SQLite: A database for storing stocks
- SQLAlchemy: SQL toolkit and object-relational mapper for Python
- Github Actions: CI/CD that makes it easy to automate all your software workflows
2023, May 21
Updated the API URL and models for fetching upcoming stocks2022, October 16
Added General Public Share Allotment Announcements2021, June 08
Remove share market news2021, May 06
Support For Local IPOs2021, May 02
Send stocks in Images2021, April 28
Remove merolagani updates2021, April 26
Add Reminder Notification for stocks2021, April 21
Add the latest share market news
: URL for the allotment resultCHANNEL
= 'The telegram channel you want to send updates e.g @nepstonks'BOT_TOKEN
= 'Bot Token generated from @botfather on telegram'BOT_USERNAME
= 'Bot username generated from @botfather on telegram'API_URL
= 'URL from where stocks are fetched (POST REQUEST)'
- Install & activate virtual environment in the project root folder
- Add
file in this folder & add all the environment variables with values given here - Run
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
python run.py
telegram channel > t.me/nepstonks
Inspired from auto-investment. Feel free to fork or give a star to support my doing.