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Releases: schultek/jaspr


24 Feb 15:48
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  • BREAKING Changed AppBindings Uri get currentUri to String get currentUrl.

  • BREAKING Changed return type of renderComponent() from Future<String> to Future<({int statusCode, String body, Map<String, List<String>> headers})>.

    The rendered html is accessible through the body property. statusCode and headers can be used to create a response object when part of a custom http handler.

  • Added context.url extension getter on both client and server.

  • Added context.headers, context.headersAll and context.cookies extension getters on the server. These can be used to access the headers and cookies of the currently handled request.

  • Added context.setHeader() and context.setCookie() and context.setStatusCode() extension on the server. These can be used to set headers, cookies and the status code of the response.

  • Deprecated having seperate style groups (, Styles.text(), Styles.background(), etc. as well as .box(), .text(), etc.). All styling properties are now available under the single Styles() constructur and .styles() method.


      .box(width: 100.px, height: 100.px)


      width: 100.px,
      height: 100.px,
  • Deprecated EdgeInsets in favor of Padding and Margin types.

  • BREAKING Moved zIndex property out of Position and directly into Styles.

  • Added userSelect, pointerEvents and content properties to Styles.

  • Added Unit.maxContent, Unit.minContent, Unit.fitContent and Unit.expression().


  • Added 'styles_ordering' lint and quick fix.


12 Jan 12:16
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jaspr v0.17.0

  • BREAKING Removed currentState from GlobalKey, use GlobalStateKey instead.

  • Added GlobalStateKey<T extends State> to access the state of a component using currentState.

    // Use any State type as the type parameter.
    final GlobalStateKey<MyComponentState> myComponentKey = GlobalStateKey();
    /* ... */
    // Access the state from the key.
    MyComponentState? state = myComponentKey.currentState;
  • Added GlobalNodeKey<T extends Node> to access native dom nodes using currentNode.

    import 'package:universal_web/web.dart';
    // Use any Node type (from package:universal_web) as the type parameter.
    final GlobalNodeKey<HTMLFormElement> myFormKey = GlobalNodeKey();
    /* ... */
    // Access the dom node from the key.
    HTMLFormElement? node = myFormKey.currentNode;
  • Migrated all web imports from package:web to package:universal_web.

  • Added prefersColorScheme parameter to MediaQuery.


03 Jan 12:53
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jaspr v0.16.4

  • Fixed attribute validation to support attribute names including @ and :.
  • Added table and related html methods.
  • Added value parameter to select() method.
  • Add 'standalone' option to renderComponent method.

jaspr_cli v0.16.4

  • Added --dart-define, --dart-define-client and --dart-define-server to serve and build commands.

jaspr_lints v0.2.0

  • Updated custom_lint to ^0.7.0

jaspr_serverpod v0.5.0

  • Bump serverpod to 2.3.0


04 Oct 17:45
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package:web | Flutter multi-view | WASM

This release combines three amazing new features:

  1. Migration of all packages to package:web and the new js interop mechanism, replacing dart:html.
  2. Adding support for Flutter multi-view embedding.
  3. Added experimental support for compiling to WASM.

... along with a bulk of smaller features, improvements and bugfixes.

We also published a new demo site showcasing the multi-view embedding here:


jaspr, jaspr_cli, jaspr_test

  • BREAKING Migrated all packages to package:web, replacing dart:html.

  • BREAKING Made ComponentsBinding.attachRootComponent() and ComponentTester.pumpComponent() synchronous.

  • Added InheritedModel<T> similar to Flutters InheritedModel

  • Added css.layer(), css.supports() and css.keyframes() rules.

  • Added ViewTransitionMixin to use view transitions in a StatefulComponent.

  • Added new --experimental-wasm flag to jaspr serve and jaspr build.

  • Improved html formatting on the server to not introduce unwanted whitespaces.

  • Fixed server issue during tests where the web directory would never resolve.

  • Fixed issue with unhandled parameter types of client components.


  • BREAKING Migrated to package:web.

  • BREAKING Added support for multi-view embedding. This allows you to use FlutterEmbedView multiple times across
    the website and add or remove views at any time.

  • Improved internals to use deferred imports for all imported flutter libraries.

  • Added FlutterEmbedView.preload() function to manually trigger the preload of all deferred libraries before rendering
    a Flutter view.

  • Added FlutterEmbedView.deferred() constructor as an easy way to work with deferred imports of widgets.

  • Updated sdk constraints of flutter to >=3.24.0 <4.0.0 and dart to >=3.5.0 <4.0.0.


  • Bump serverpod to 2.1.1


14 Sep 09:12
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New linting package

jaspr_lints is a collection of lints and assists for jaspr projects.
See Linting for documentation.


  • Include and setup jaspr_lints in newly created projects.
  • Added jaspr analyze command to check all custom lints.
  • Added css variable support with Unit.variable(), Color.variable(), Angle.variable() and FontFamily.variable().


21 Aug 08:38
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  • Added support for using @css and @encoder/@decoder across other packages.

    1. Styles annotated with @css from other dependent packages are now also included in the pre-rendered css.
    2. Models (or extension types) that define @encoder and @decoder annotations from other dependent packages can
      now also be used together with @client components and @sync fields.
  • BREAKING Component (or any class member) styles annotated with @css are now only included in the pre-rendered css if
    the file they are defined in is actually imported somewhere in the project.

    Top-level styles continue to be always included.

  • Fixed issue with wrongly generated imports of @encoder/@decoder methods.

  • Fixed spelling mistake from spaceRvenly to spaceEvenly

  • Added default BorderStyle.solid to BorderSide constructor.


14 Aug 17:18
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Major documentation overhaul

This version comes together with a huge documentation overhaul over at
A lot of new pages, guides, component docs and more were added to the documentation.

  • Complete "Get Started" guide with detailed explanation of the different rendering modes, a page about hydration and more.
  • New guides about the most important concepts and topics:
    • Styling
    • Routing
    • Data Fetching
    • SEO
    • Deployment
  • Separate documentation pages for all core components, like Document, AsyncBuilder, Router, FlutterEmbedView and more
  • Separate documentation pages for all core utilities, like @client, css(), @sync, SyncStateMixin, @Import and more

Additionally the starter template, examples and packages got a lot of improved code documentation.


jaspr, jaspr_builder

  • BREAKING Calling Jaspr.initializeApp() is now required in static and server mode.

  • BREAKING Removed Head component in favor of new Document.head() component.
    Document.head() has the same parameters as the old Head component and renders its children inside
    the <head> element.

  • Added Document.html() and Document.body() to modify the attributes of <html> and <body>.

  • BREAKING Removed syncId and syncCodec parameters from SyncStateMixin.
    SyncStateMixin now embeds its data locally in the pre-rendered html using standard json encoding.

  • Added @sync annotation. Can be used on any field of a StatefulComponent to automatically sync its value.

    class MyComponentState extends State<MyComponent> with MyComponentStateSyncMixin {
      String myValue;
  • BREAKING Removed MediaRuleQuery in favor of MediaQuery.

  • Added css.import(), css.fontFace() and shorthands.

  • Added @css annotation. Can be used on a list of style rules to automatically include them in the global styles.

    final styles = [
      css('.main').box(width: 100.px),
  • Added Fragment component.

  • Fixed missing html unescape in hydrated data.


  • Changed the signature of the Link component, children is now a named parameter.


  • Added minify option to tailwind in release mode.
  • Made the content section of the tailwind.config.js file active at build time.


22 May 08:18
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Changelog (jaspr)

  • Added Head component to render metadata inside the documents <head>.

    You can specify a title, metadata or custom children:

      title: 'My Title',
      meta: {
        'description': 'My Page Description',
        'custom': 'my-custom-metadata',
      children: [
        link(rel: "canonical" href: ""),

    Deeper or latter Head components will override duplicate elements:

    Parent(children: [
        title: "My Title",
        meta: {"description": "My Page Description"}
      Child(children: [
          title: "Nested Title"

    will render:

      <title>Nested Title</title>
      <meta name="description" content="My Page Description">
  • Added AsyncStatelessComponent and AsyncBuilder.
    These are special components that are only available on the server (using package:jaspr/server.dart) and have an
    asynchronous build function.

  • Improved internal framework implementation of different element types.

    • Added BuildableElement and ProxyElement as replacement for MultiChildElement and SingleChildElement.
    • Added Element.didMount() and Element.didUpdate() lifecycle methods.
  • Fixed race condition where routes were skipped during static rendering.

  • Fixed infinite loading bug for async server builds.

  • Fixed hydration bug with empty or nested client components.

  • Added documentation comments.

Changelog (jaspr_router)

  • The title of the browser tab will no be properly set to the title of the current route.
  • Fixed race condition where routes were skipped during static rendering.


04 Apr 13:32
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The cli scaffolding update

This update ships a completely new way of creating jaspr projects using the jaspr create command. Instead of using fixed templates, you will now be asked a series of questions to fully customize your starting project to your needs.

Changelog (jaspr, jaspr_cli)

  • BREAKING Changed jaspr configuration to require jaspr.mode in pubspec.yaml:

    The jaspr.mode option now sets the rendering mode and must be one of:

    • static: For building a statically pre-rendered site (SSG) with optional client-side hydration.
    • server: For building a server-rendered site (SSR) with optional client-side hydration.
    • client: For building a purely client-rendered site (SPA).

    This replaces the old jaspr.uses-ssr option.

  • BREAKING Removed jaspr generate command in favor using the jaspr build command in combination with
    the new jaspr.mode = static option in pubspec.yaml.

  • BREAKING Removed the runServer() method along with its support for adding middleware and listeners. Users should instead
    migrate to the custom backend setup using package:shelf.

  • BREAKING Removed rawHtml flag from Text component and text() method, in favor of
    new RawText component and raw() method respectively, which fixes multiple bugs with the old implementation.

  • Improved the jaspr create command by changing to a scaffolding system as replacement for templates.
    You will now be walked through a configuration wizard that creates a starting project based on the selected options.

  • Removed jaspr.uses-flutter option. This is now auto-detected based on the dependencies.

  • Styles can now be written more concise using the ability to chain style groups as well as the new css() method.

  • Changes made to main.dart are now also hot-reloaded on the server.

  • Document is no longer required when using server-side rendering. A basic document structure (<html><head>...<body>...)
    is automatically filled in.

  • Improved how @client components are hydrated.

  • The jaspr build command now accepts an optimization option. Minification (-O 2) enabled by default.

  • Fixed DomValidator to allow special attributes with uppercase letters and colons.

  • Exceptions thrown during renderHtml are now correctly passed through to the spawning isolate.

Changelog (jaspr_router)

  • Added Link component to simplify router-aware navigation.

    The Link component lets the user navigate to another route by clicking or tapping on it. It uses client-side routing
    if possible and fall back to the default browser navigation if no Router component is present in the tree. It will render
    an accessible <a> element with a valid href, which means that things like right-clicking a Link work as you'd expect.

  • Fixed redirects on initial load.

  • Fixed proper handling of <base> path.


22 Jan 14:31
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The developer ergonomics update

This update combines a bunch of changes (some breaking) to improve the experience about writing websites with Jaspr. You can now write a lot more concise and compact markup using Jaspr, which drastically reduces the needed lines-of-code and produces a lot more readable code.


  • BREAKING Restructured core libraries:

    • Removed package:jaspr/html.dart -> Use package:jaspr/jaspr.dart instead.
    • Renamed package:jaspr/components.dart to package:jaspr/ui.dart.
  • BREAKING Updated @client components for a more streamlined usage.

    Annotated components no longer generate a .g.dart file and don't need to implement any generated mixin anymore.
    Instead, a single lib/jaspr_options.dart file is generated when using @client components.

    You must now call Jaspr.initializeApp(options: defaultJasprOptions) at the start of your app, where
    defaultJasprOptions is part of the newly generated jaspr_options.dart file.

    Note: Calling Jaspr.initializeApp() will be required in a future version of Jaspr, and the cli will warn you
    when it's not called.

  • BREAKING Changed type of the classes property of html components from List<String> to String. Multiple class
    names can be set using a single space-delimited string, e.g. classes: 'class1 class2'.

  • BREAKING Event callbacks are now typed. The events property of html components now expects a
    Map<String, void Function(Event)> instead of the old Map<String, void Function(dynamic)>.

    In addition to this Jaspr comes with a new events() function to provide typed event handlers for common events, like
    onClick, onInput and onChange. Use it like this:

      // Uses the [events] method to provide typed event handlers.
      events: events(
        onClick: () {
        // [value] can be typed depending on the element, e.g. `String` for text inputs or `bool` for checkboxes.
        onInput: (String value) {
          print("Value: $value");

    Moreover, the html components button, input, textarea and select now also come with additional shorthand
    properties for their supported event handlers:

      onClick: () {
  • BREAKING Refactored components inside the package:jaspr/ui.dart library. Some component properties have
    changed or been discontinued. Check the separate components for details.

  • BREAKING Promoted jaspr_web_compilers to non-experimental status.

    This also changes the respective cli option from jaspr create --experimental-web-compilers (old) to
    jaspr create --jaspr-web-compilers (new).

  • Added support for rendering svg elements.
    Also added svg(), rect(), circle(), ellipse(), line(), path() and polygon() components.

  • Refactored rendering implementation to use RenderObjects.

  • Added NotificationListener component.

  • Added Colors.transparent.

  • Added, Unit.vw() and Unit.vh() for responsive styling.

  • Added StyleRule.fontFace() to add external font files.

  • Several bug fixes and stability improvements when running jaspr serve or jaspr build.