The Houdini Project is free and open source fundraising infrastructure. It includes...
- Crowdfunding campaigns
- Donate widget page and generator
- Fundraising events
- Nonprofit Profiles
- Nonprofit payment history and payouts dashboard
- Nonprofit recurring donation management dashboard
- Nonprofit metrics overview / business intelligence dashboard
- Nonprofit supporter relationship management dashboard (CRM)
- Nonprofit org user account management
- Simple donation management for donors
This is a Rails 3.2 app; we want to upgrade.
Much of the business logic is in /lib
The frontend is written in a few custom frameworks, the largest of which is called Flimflam. We endeavor to migrate to React as quickly as possible to increase development comfort and speed.
All backend code and React components should be TDD.
Houdini's success depends on you!
Visit the Internationalization channel on Houdini Zulip and discuss
git clone
You need to install Docker and Docker Compose.
Note: Docker and Docker Compose binaries from Docker itself are proprietary software based entirely upon free software. If you feel more comfortable, you may build them from source.
Note 2: For Debian, the Docker package is simply too out of date to be usable. Even the version for latest Ubuntu LTS is too old. For reliability, we strongly recommend using the Docker debian feed from docker itself OR making sure you keep your own build up to date.
Adding yourself as a Docker group user as follows:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
You will likely need to logout and log back in again.
We'll keep this running in the console we'll call console 1
./dc build
./dc up
There are a number of steps for configuring your Houdini instance for startup
cp .env.template .env
In console 2, run the following and copy the output to you .env file to set you DEVISE_SECRET_KEY
environment variable.
./run rake secret # copy this result into your DEVISE_SECRET_KEY
In console 2, , run the following and copy the output to you .env file to set you SECRET_TOKEN
environment variable.
./run rake secret # copy this result into your SECRET_TOKEN
with your Stripe PUBLIC key
If you don't, file uploads WILL NOT WORK but it's not required.
./run npm install
./run rake db:create db:structure:load db:seed test:prepare
You can set this in config/default_organization.yml
or better yet, make a copy with your own org name and add that to your .env file as ORG_NAME
If you need help setting up your mailer, visit config/environment.rb
where the settings schema is verified and documented.
./dc up
./run npm run watch
You can go to http://localhost:5000
To get started, register your nonprofit using the "Get Started" link.
There is a way to set your user as a super_admin. This role lets you access any of the nonprofits
on your Houdini instance. Additionally, it gives you access to the super admin control panel to search all supporters and
nonprofits, which is located at /admin
To create the super user, go to the rails console by calling:
./dc run web rails console
In the console, run the following:
admin=User.find(1) #or the id of the user you want to add the role
role=Role.create(user:admin,name: "super_admin")
While Docker should be very possible to use for production, the current Docker solution is optimized heavily for dev purposes. If you know more about creating a solid production Docker setup, please do contribute!
(To be continued)
- rake assets:precompile
- if production: make sure memcached is running.
./run_production npm run build-all
Assets get compiled from /client
to /public/client
If creating new React or Typescript code, please use the Rails generators with the 'react:' prefix. This include:
This generator creates a new entry for Webpack. This is a place where Webpack will start when packing a new javascript output file. It also creates a corresponding component for the entry. Usually, you will have one of these per page.
This generator creates a React component along with a test file for testing with Jest. Each component should have its own file.
This generator creates a basic Typescript module along with a test file.
Note: This is not legal advice and provides a suggestion which may be compliant. You should talk with your legal counsel if you have questions or concerns with how to comply with the various licenses of Houdini
Providing the complete, corresponding source code (CCS) of your project is a requirement of some of the licenses used by Houdini. There are two methods for doing so right now:
- Providing a tarball of the current running code
- Providing a link to Github where the code is pulled from
The easiest method is to provide a tarball. Houdini automatically provides a link on the Terms & Privacy page which generates a tarball for the current running code at runtime. For this to work though, the following characteristics must be true:
- Your have to have committed any changes you made to the project in
in your git repository - The
folder for your repository must be a direct subfolder of your$RAILS_ROOT
- Your web server must be able to run
git archive
- 2 spaces for tabs
- All new front end code should be written in Typescript and React (using TSX files). Please use the React Generators for creation.
- 2 spaces for tabs
- 2 spaces for tabs
- Comma-led lines
- ES6 imports
- No need to rebase, just merge